i can't do this. hi, too. that for me? where's our candy? petal went to florida. she'll be back soon. so do you. nestor. we found the turtle. and they found nestor. did you find petal? you never do. but she always comes back. don't worry. i know why. the green makes me hurl. her, too. which one's petal's room? i'll sleep there. this is important. they're being nice and patient. they look better this way. they have great bodies. i need it. i look good in blue. i need it. i mean. the white one! the white dog with the big teeth and the red eyes. the skinny ghost owns him. they came last night. i didn't dream 'em, don't say i did. warren threw up in your sleeping bag. she's got a stomach problem. it's called cancer. what's wrong with him? that's the difference. you can watch. you look better with 'em on. shhh. i'm teaching herry to read. just like i did warren. first is the teaching part. the learning comes later. wavey? now are the berries ready to pick? egg salad and nehi grape. they're mine but i'll share. why'd you leave the house open? can i keep the necklace? when you gonna ask? she's the worst one of all! herry told her he had to pee. but the way he talks. he could just say 'eeee,' like that. she told him that recess was almost over, an' she wasn't gonna make a trip special, an' he could hold it. she made him stand against the wall. she wasn't hurt for real. just screamed like a baby. petal'll think so, too. how? that teacher. is gonna forgive me? well. i don't wanna forgive her. i had to do it. 'cept for wavey, i'm the only family herry's got. like the ghost. who's not a ghost. the one who ties the knots? you're you said. i think they're all here. will she be proud to wear 'em? he's okay. he's not sleeping in the box. if he's not sleeping. why do they call it a awake? he looks like he's sleeping. petal's peaceful, too. see. he woke up. that's a funny thing to say. for the first thing he said. well. the world's not fair. you said. there was only two. i got a box of 'em. you could pick one. then you'd have everything you need. No.