only til i get my lobster license. i'm a fisherman in my soul. it's a newfie thing, the compulsion to fish. y'hear yesterday's tragedy brought home 200 pounds of ice. his wife fried it. they both drowned. agnis says yer buyin' a boat. sooner's prob'ly better'n lat. so this newfie comes to toronto. cabbie says, take ya to meet girls for a good time. boy says, okay, but i only want a newfie girl. right section of the party district, he finds a girl, they have sex, she says that's a hunnerd dollars. he says fine, tips her another hunnerd! she says, wow, can y'come back t'morrow? next two nights, same thing! he says, i know. yer ma asked me t'give ya six hunnerd dollars! yer the model newfie, q, but fer th'boat. why doncha buy nutbeem's? yer story tugs at me bladder. what's bein' blabbed here? quoyle's right. to my ass. excellent posture. people talk. no sir. thing 'bout waitin' on fergiveness? mixes up who's waitin' on who. death is simpler. an' a lot shorter wait. stay with us. my kid follows yours around, they'll bunk t'gether. and we gotta fluffy couch that's more'n you deserve. my dad went over the side this mornin'. tangled in th' sling- stone line. if you could write a memorial t' him. fer t'morrow's gammy bird? i'd be real grateful. dad's come back!