mine: 'burmese sawmill owners and the rangoon development corporation met in tokyo tuesday to consider a joint approach to marketing tropical hardwoods.' card's rewrite: 'burnoosed sawbill awnings and the ranger devotional competition met wednesday near tokyo to mark up local hairwood.' if misspelled. tell the truth. i built a chinese junk. sailed it up from brazil. missed manhattan by a mile or so, got stranded here when i shipwrecked by gaze island. almost finished my repairs. be leaving soon. as paleontologists define the term. she's ugly. and the only thing i've ever loved. jack buggit's psychic, start with that. he's got the gift. specially about the sea. older brother jesson, everyone's favorite, even dennis'. goes to sea like his dad. one day, rest of the family's sitting by the radio, and jack goes white. stands up. says, jesson's gone. walks out of the house. grief too big for walls to hold it. so dennis is forbidden the sea. but being free, newfie, and 21, he goes anyway. death storm. monster wave cracks her steel hull amidships, one inch crack from starboard to port. men go in the water. dennis lost. after a week. they come to jack, call off the search. he stands like a stone. then turns, sharp, the way he does. says only, 'he's alive. and i know where.' went to sea, alone, in just a skiff. finds him. can you guess the odds? finds him. finds him. both arms broke, 99% dead. boy comes to. jack says if you ever says fishin' licenses are all spoken for, i'd appreciate you givin' me yours. jack looked in his eyes. they never spoke ag. don't jump off a bridge over it. anyone can make a brainless, asinine, devastatingly revealing blunder. even if you don't recognize 'human head packed in satchel' as the most compelling piece ever to appear in. a triple increase in ad revenue. does get. the man's attention. two shares. of mobil. tough love. impressive. sounds reasonable to me. well, let's not go overboard. he's rather green doncha thi. he'll need a raise. and need to be represented in the negotia. it's two years. my boat's ready. if i stay any longer, i'll begin to like it here. well. with that warning. i'm british. i bathe. it's coated with two kinds of scum. soap. and mine. one. you're moving in with dennis, no matter how fond you are of his wife. i'da never made it, anyway. storms would have blown me to bits. you boys saved my life. yes, you did. i've gathered my savings, and am flying to brazil. where water is swimming pool green. and i grill yellowtail steaks with lime and garlic, watercress and tobasco. touch of curry. what?