i'm wavey prowse, and this is my place. pardon our antiquated emphasis on individuality and the freedom to have fun. oh, yeh. running with sharp objects? we save for tuesdays. we're enjoyin' the walk, thank you. love to have her. i'm sorry, mr. quoyle, about the other time. women can be moody, you know. and temperamental. good afternoon, dennis. give our respects to beety and marty. sometimes, passion in performance. beats the element of surprise. almost. almost ready. you know, it's all about timing. herry prowse! look how well your kite is doing! keep thinking your thoughts! the white dog. sometimes with the skinny ghost. kids do things like that, it's called imagination. like the necklaces. it's a skill, she's proud of it. and she brings her dolls along. and she looks good in blue. and she wears a key for a good luck charm. the ones i read to teach herry. they don't make me an exp. that child is the only friend my son ever had. so she's strange, you bet. i love that little girl. and i will see to it. that she's all right. and i don't have to guess about it. i want us. to be friends, okay? and friends. need. to understand each other. my husband drowned. herry was. he was two months old. and herold took the boat out. overnight. to fish for haddock. because i liked. haddock. it's four years. and it's yesterday. now, did i blow it. or can you still be my friend? what? what are you thinking? sad, really. lives like a hermit in a run-down shack. no one to look after h. nice to see you. after all this time. you want another sandwich? there's roast pork. you said. you'd read me your article. i think when card sees it, he'll split a gut. i think he'll sit up nights thinking of cheap shots to pay you back. i think he'll never stop until you're fired. i think i haven't been so proud. of a friend. since i don't know when. actually. it's just my bed. actually, it's not. i just wanted to see your eyes bug out like that. only when i'm worried. i don't worry much. i'm not worried. about you. you're in the boys' room at jack's house. wonder how long since dennis slept here. mrs. buggit called, knew bunny was still with me. the kids are camped out in the parlor. s'okay. someday you'll do somethin' nice for me. you didn't find a second dead man. just the rest of the first one. you said bunny talks to petal at night. you ever listen? well, i'm not that nice a person. she plays petal. talks to the barbies, like petal talking to her. she says she's sorry she left them. it was just to see if they could be good girls. and they were. and she loves them. the barbies look better naked, bunny looks good in blue, guess who said that? so we talked. just before petal left her with that. stranger? bunny had snapped her mom's bead necklace. that's why she's making more. when she's made enough. she'll be forgiven. she saves petal a room at the house, but she's also got the key to the old place. in case her mom would rather go there. sure, i lied. i said nice things about her mother. see, there's only one problem. petal isn't gone. only you. could do this. you fed him. you gave him clothes. you're the first human ever was kind to him. accordingly. you're sick with guilt. you sure you're not a complex guy? great! let's not be rash! why. would i. do that? what's wrong with a weekend? or we could sleep in. i just feel so guilty about all your expenses. two separate rooms. both so big. still. seems like we could figure out. something. that's what i wanted us to talk abou. even tho. she never loved you. i know you have to stay tomorrow. to sign the papers. but. i should be heading back. before herry. misses me. too much. and i'm not feeling so well. what i get for mixing vodka and beer, huh. so i'll grab a taxi. you stay and finish. listen to the music. is and don't worry. i'm still your friend. oh, i'm much too excited. oh, i'll save this, all right. and i'll think of you. when i i don't make mistakes. about that kind of thing. well. you'll grow into it. well. it's the thought that counts. i know how it is. to hold onto something good. in the middle of all the bad. thank you. thank you, very much. merry christmas. we all know billy pretty's ways. never save fifty cents, if you can save a dollar. well, last feb'ry, billy wants t'get his grandfather clock repaired. calls old leander mesher. local call. no charge. well, says leander, the big cost is pickup and delivery. got t'charge fifty dollars, each way. two strong boys. gasoline. air in the tires! there's no cost for air in yer tires!, says bill. get wi' th'times, he's told. tis called inflation! billy lives at the top of the hill, leander at the bot tom, doncha know. so billy gets a rope, hoists the grandfather up on his back. and muttering the words fifty bucks. mite slick. four feet thick a ice. meanwhile, at the bottom, auntie fizzard, 91 years young, sets out in her non-slip galoshes and her cane with the rubber tip. didn't yer, dearie? meanwhile, at the top. over he goes, clock-side down, and pickin' up speed! eight blocks, nine, missing everything like a miracle, zeroing in on. clips 'er inta the snow bank! just two galoshes stickin' outta the snow. she digs 'er way out. brushes herself off. looks at him sprawled like a turtle on his back, tied to his massive burden. she says. you there! billy pretty! woulda been a thrill for the christians among' em. they think you're dead. so does your son. it was easy. i just kept thinkin'. how would petal do it? we're friends, right? friends drink together. i asked a quest. not drunk enough yet to talk about petal. which we always seem to do. let's talk about me. which we don't. growin' up, all i wanted from this place was out. imagine. give up all this. i ran off to toronto, went to school. wanted to be a social worker. for kids. came back one summer. fell for herold prowse. that. was that. did you know i was a liar? herold liked other women. but you know how that is. see, i'm a good liar. he ran off to seattle with some bitch. when his damaged son was two months old. and nobody knew. like i said. it's four years ago. and it's yesterday. so i took his boat out. i sunk it. and told my little story. grieving widow. i was leaving, of course. why humiliate myself on the wayout? all these funny, odd little folks? they put their hearts around me. so i wouldn't be alone. having lost the man i loved. and since i knew, to my shame, that is exactly what i had lost. i let go of the will to leave. i did. decided to let my child grow up. around folks better than his mom. you're quite the talker. well, this morning. the man i loved. came back. told me he knew. i loved him still. okay. now i'm drunk enough. to talk about petal. you're thinking we're kindred souls, you and me. in love with our nightmares. you don't love your petal. you hate. her cheating. guts. you have to think it's love. because if it's not, you're dead inside. so you keep that flame a flickering. cos it's all you'll ever have. you see. you're a good liar, too. where's the damn eggshells? that's all i came to see. can you guess how i know about petal? because you and i. are kindred souls. after all. so i told my husband. to fuck himself. and the ego he rode in on. thanks for the mirror. if i don't see you. happy new year. i'm thanking your daddy. for all my presents. more than two. everything i need. except. except a necklace.