mrs. ementhal's ready and waiting, doctor. i'm ready for you now, brad. now, you just take off all your clothes, put this on, and hop up on to the table over there, ok? doctor'll be in to see you in a few minutes. don't be a tease, brad. i'm still working, you know. ok, roger. here's the stuff you wanted. files on horsefield, tudor, swinburne, and velakofsky. papers published by hobbes, linsky, and lefebvre in a couple of issues of the bulletin of the canadian medical association and also the journal of the american medical association. and, as an added extra, a couple of odds and ends from the files i helped compile before your time here, doctor. i thought they might interest you. do i get a kiss? kiss, kiss? another kiss? no. dotty's the last. roger? if you're going to be staying here anyway, why don't you come up to my place for a late supper? doesn't matter to me how late it is. i can keep it warm. anything wrong? well? supper at my place? great! go back to your files. bye. yes? can i. can i help you? a man. i think i recognized him. a man who lives here. he just. . he just attacked me for no reason at all. i just opened the door. i was making supper for you, and he grabbed me, he tried to kiss me. i think i. i think i killed him. i stabbed him with something and he fell. oh, no! you're not leaving me here all alone. i'm going with you. but where are you going? hello? hello? roger? roger, are you here? sometimes i have a recurrent dream. have i ever told you about it, darling? i guess you could call it a freudian dream, because in this dream i find myself making love to sigmund freud. but i'm having trouble because he's old and dying, and he smells bad and i find him repulsive. and then he tells me that everything is erotic, everything is sexual, you know what i mean? he has a very thick accent, but i can understand him perfectly. he tells me that even old flesh is erotic flesh, that disease is the love of two alien kinds of creatures for each other, that dying is an act of eroticism, that even chemicals combine out of sexual frenzy and longing. that breathing is sexual, that talking is sexual, that just to physically exist is sexual. and i believe him, and we make love beautifully.