janine walks along a hallway, stops at a door, knocks gently, and then opens the door and walks in, obviously very familiar with the occupant. janine walks down the hallway to her apartment, her vogue rolled up under her arm. she opens the door to her apartment -- it's not locked -- and goes in. elevator doors slide open and kurt steps out, pushing his cart. he walks down the hallway looking for betts's apartment. after he has passed a few doors he approaches one which is slightly ajar. an old man and his wife, the spergazzis, are taking their late-night constitutional through the halls of the south tower. forsythe and st. luc are hurrying to forsythe's apartment to see if kresimir is still there. as they round a corner, they see the spergazzis coming toward them, the old lady hobbling and hysterical, the old man helping her walk as best he can, trying to maintain some kind of calm. janine runs down a hallway that leads to betts's apartment, sobbing and stumbling. she gets to betts's door and opens it without hesitation. the doorman, drooling and twitching, locks the exit doors at the end of one hallway. in one hand he holds an enormous pair of cable cutters. in the hallway outside the spergazzi apartment, a group of giggling, drooling residents stand around a door. rollo walks along the hallway, bag in hand, envelope under arm. he stops in front of tudor's door, checks the number against the number written in his notebook, then knocks on the door.