welcome to starliner towers. and you are? eh? oh yes, of course. mr. and mrs. sweden. come right this way. sorry to keep you waiting. now, are we talking about one or two bedrooms? i assume we're not talking about bachelors, eh? ha, ha. now, i have several floor plans all laid out for you, and all you have to do is take your choice and we'll trot right on up there and take a look at 'em. now you take a look at that one, brenda, and tell me if it doesn't suit you down to the ground. that one has the big view, the panoramic view. we're going up. wood-grain paneling, strong, silent, fireproof, fast, cushioned ride. everything you could want in an elevator. notice how the entranceways to all the apartments are recessed and individually lit. nope, it's down that way, brenda. that's it. recessed and individually lit. haven't seen anything that looks like trouble at all. just filling in for walter. the doorman. but if you want me to call the police, i will. evening, mr. wolf, miss lewis. i wonder if i could talk to you for a second in my office? well, there may be a connection. see, it's about your locker. 'fraid somebody busted into it tonight. 'fraid so. i've got a few of the things they threw around in my office and if you could identify it.