and this kriedler seems to think that mega-vitamin therapy may be the answer to the question of aging. that's not to suggest that the aging process is in any way reversible -- i don't think for a minute that it is -- but it may be stoppable, and that's where mega-vitamins come in. you don't have to go. i'm not shy. ow! better take it easy. there's a lot of pressure in there! want me to breathe deeply? good shape for an old man, eh? she had a couple just like them. right here near her belly button. you could push 'em around. i thought they were kinda sexy, myself. didn't seem worried about them. yep. she lived in 1208. but we usually went to my place. bigger liquor cabinet, bigger bed. she was gone when i got back from my last florida trip. too bad. had a beautiful tan. must have gone home to mother. that's the one. gonna cut me open? used to know a doctor who said he got to know his patients better than their wives did. cutting a man open sure does expose more of him than pulling down his pants, gotta admit that.