miles. how's the trip? actually there is word. i spoke to keith kurtzman this morning. and. they're passing. conundrum's passing. he said they really liked it. they really wanted to do it, but they just couldn't figure out how to market it. he said it was a tough call. i'm sorry, miles. so i don't know where that leaves us. i'm not sure how much more mileage i can get out of continuing to submit it. i think it's one of those unfortunate cases in the business right now -- a fabulous book with no home. the whole industry's gotten gutless. it's not about the quality of the books. it's about the marketing. are you there? miles? i'm sorry, miles. we did all we could. you've been a real trooper. tell him i'll call back. you're a wonderful writer, miles. don't be discouraged. just hang in there, and who knows? after you get something else published, we can revisit this one. and next time we can try a different title.