-- he doing her? i wonder if she likes bald guys. i had a dog like that once. the dog works for the cia? -- he's way over his head. hold on, hold on, i'm looking it up -- wait, wait -- here we go. student visa, j-1. in his passport. three-fifteen. p.m. when's the last time you ate? fiber thinks they've come up with a piece of the shroud. egyptian cotton. -- the purpose of this meeting --! my department what, asshole? we bring 'me in, have a talk. where the hell we gonna put sixteen hundred people? -- one of the moms was carrying a piece, wounds the guy as he's planting the device. he kills her and locks them all in. up there in the corner. by the clock. -- it's got a timer on it only we don't know how much time is left. i don't know. somebody must have -- i know --! you think i -- nypd swat, this is the fbi. get that bird the fuck out of there!