we're online for exactly two minutes. slow down. gotcha. nobody knows you're here. not your people. not even my president. you'll die here alone and be buried unknown -- barring some miracle. -- god? god? what you eat. whether you eat. sleep. pain. absence of pain. i decide. i make the day and the night. even the way you got here -- a hand that reached down from the sky? god? i am your new god. hi. i understand they call you hub. bill devereaux. 82nd airborne, i know. same time i was running the -- god. duty. honor. country. where on capitol hill, wall street, or hollywood would you find one man who's even paused over one of those words in the last ten years? you want me to get to the point. the president's concerned. he's worried that -- have you met him by any chance? -- with all the affection for the man i can tell you he doesn't know fuckall about terrorism, or the mideast, that i don't put on his cue cards. what he's expert in is his own survival. you get my meaning? agent hubbard -- you look like you think i'm here to take your baby away! which is what i said to the president -- the army is not some big green police department. stick with the man on the ground. you're sure you're not chasing your own tail, though? old news. we can't release him. hub, we can't release him because we don't have him. we never had him. and besides that, he's dead. the cia? the cia couldn't predict the fall of the berlin wall until bricks were hitting them in the head. the libyans snatched the sheik -- some sectarian muslim thing -- i'll explain it next time you have a free week. they killed him. qaddafi put out disinformation that it was us. who was your source on this? a woman will never know the middle east. you're talking about a culture that keeps its women slipcovered. elise kraft can't tell a sheik from the prophylactic of the same name. please, don't let me -- sounds like i should get out of your way. we're there if you need us. your father well, elise? top of her game. well, go get 'em. with all respect, senator, why don't we just stipulate that the president is a dumb son of a bitch so we can all get down to business. the army is a broadsword not a scalpel. you do not want us in an american city. we only go if the president invokes the war powers act. twelve hours after the president gives the word we can be on the ground. one light infantry division of ten thousand seven hundred men. elements of the rapid deployment force combined with special forces -- delta. apc's, tanks, helicopters. and of course, the ubiquitous m-16a1 assault rifle, a humble weapon until you see a man carrying one outside your local bowling alley or seven- eleven. it will be noisy, it will be scary and it will not be mistaken for a vfw parade. that means civilian casualties. at a minimum it's a drunk private joyriding in a hummer who runs down an old lady in greenpoint. at a maximum. make no mistake. we will hunt the enemy. we will find the enemy. and we will kill the enemy. and no card-carrying member of the aclu is more deadset against it. than i am. which is why i urge you. no, i implore you not to consider this option. what's that? that's anthony hubbard, fbi. he's the asac on the ground up there. they took out the first cell less than 36 hours after bus 87. i suggest we hear what he has to say -- -- amen to that. ahmed bin talal. they're still under the impression that we have him. to refresh your memory, as i told you last time, it was the libyans who -- let me give you some free advice, son. don't get between me and the president. you might break a nail. as far as the president is concerned. no, we do not. are you saying the president is prepared to take the necessary steps? today, with the invocation of the war powers act by the president, i am declaring a state of martial law in this city. to the best of our knowledge, we are opposed by no more than twenty of the enemy. he is hiding among a population of roughly two million. intelligence tells us he is most likely arab-speaking, between the age of fourteen and thirty. narrowing the target to fifteen thousand suspects. we can further reduce that number down to those who have been in this country less than six months. now you have twenty hiding among two thousand. if you are one of these twenty young men, you can hide among a population of similar ethnic background. unfortunately for you, you can only hide there. and that population, in the classic immigration pattern, is concentrated. right here in brooklyn. we intend to seal off this borough. and then we intend to squeeze it. this is the land of opportunity, gentlemen. the opportunity to turn yourselves in. after sundown tonight any young man fitting the profile i described who has not cooperated will be arrested and detained. there is historically nothing more corrosive to the morale of an army than policing its own citizens. but the enemy would be sadly mistaken if they were to doubt our resolve. they are now face to face with the most fearsome killing machine in the history of man. and i intend to use it. and be back on base in time for the play-offs. that is all. hub. good to see you again. i am against it. it wasn't my call. your operation had its chance, hub, and you couldn't get it done. you're down three touchdowns. time to bring in the first string. are you questioning my patriotism? hub, i want you to take a moment and reflect on my life as a soldier. i have a dozen tropical diseases i'll never entirely get rid of. i set off metal detectors with the shrapnel in my ass. i have watched men die and i have killed. now i am serving my president and quite possibly not the best interests of my country, but my profession doesn't afford me the luxury of that distinction. i won't question your patriotism but don't you ever again question my command. take a good look around, my friend, and tell me that's still true. but we're not shutting you out. in fact, i can't do it without you, hub. i need men like you. men willing to put it on the line like you did in that schoolroom. these stars mean i have been putting it on the line for thirty years. and never made a mistake worth remembering. don't tell me i made a mistake about you. code blue. code red. -- and his name is haddad? if a mistake's been made we'll fix it. and i said we will look into it. there's an fbi office in anchorage, agent hubbard. fuck with me and you'll be learning a hundred and fifty new words for snow. the prisoner is being interrogated. how long have you been at it? how much longer, do you think, before he gives up the other cells -- he knows. how long before he breaks? so -- what other models do we have -- ? shaking. what about it, sharon? works for the israelis. we don't have thirty-six hours. electric shock? water? the time has come for one man to suffer in order to save the lives of hundreds you're welcome to wait outside. i think we have to soundproof the room before we begin. escort him out. let's get this over with. agent hubbard, do you want to tell me exactly what you mean detaining colonel hardwick and six of my cid staff. because that strikes me as a very peculiar idea of interagency liaison. what makes you so sure he was the last cell? sharon is not trustworthy. my authority supersedes the civilian judiciary under the decree of martial law. sorry. what's over. release him? you don't know shit. poor suffering sharon and her poor suffering people. it's called "going native" -- the most elementary error of an intelligence operative and she made it. she had all of you working for her and she was working for them without even knowing it. and now they're getting exactly what they want, which is the sheik will be back in the mix. but ten times as strong, because now he's the big man who stood up to the americans. i did what was necessary. i make no apologies. if you think you're going to be able to use that file against me, you know even less about politics than i imagined. because you don't have the balls. did you expect me to get all weepy with gratitude? you serve your country. is there anything else?