black-and-whites on the scene? residence or business? on the way. in this traffic, maybe tomorrow. oh, fuck. it just blew. -- that's what they're telling me. maybe it's performance art. -- available from the sharper image catalogue. jihad isn't known for their sense of humor, and hamas is raising so much money here, why queer their deal? -- and, excuse me, but why do we immediately assume they're arabs? hub. i think we're all eager to give up our weekends on this. it just occurs to me, has anybody even committed a crime here? i mean, assault with a deadly color? -- omar abdel rahman. asshole. under protest. -- big orthodontia bills. someday, you'll understand. where we going? you sleep here? immigration called. -- who's trying to score points with his boss, bigtime. not anymore. he means, "dowry." the tabac. sssssss. the territories. a '97 contour. on my visa. back home, the security services'd be up this guy's ass with a poker, but what do we do, we let him go. not my first date, hub. he's taking the bqe. looks like it's brooklyn. you're micro-managing. i get reimbursed for this, right? twelve bucks in gaza. i got the judge. don't know him. if we were allowed to get sound on them, we'd know him. he's making him. shit. fuck. he's -- christ! shit --! i didn't take the insurance. it's not his dog, numbnuts. they're spies. hi, guys, i expect you know the drill. so, elise. you okay back there, you don't get carsick or anything? those handcuffs too tight --? wow. you're really good. she's really good. no shit? the driver's name is larry kaiser. he says they've got explosives strapped to their chests, they got automatic weapons, and they're speaking arabic. tunnel's got twenty minute delays and they're working on both bridges. meaning? -- hub. -- so? i don't know if they understand. the guy's just breathing into the phone, maybe they're not even arabs. okay, here we go. he says he loves america and only wanted to get away from the security services at home. he says he's sorry but he didn't know he was doing something bad. his cousin introduced him to a man who promised him two hundred dollars for his dowry if he'd bring the suitcase to an address in brooklyn. he's a cut-out. shut the fuck up and go give somebody a parking ticket. iap66. what's iap66? -- today, danny. which is. vaporized. at the point of issuance. could be the american consulate in tel aviv. the american consulate in amman, cairo, alexandria, riyadh -- all an easy drive from the west bank -- sorry, boss. hello, elise. mmmm, is that pastrami? oh, yeah, we made the guy in the picture. my people. the last of the unambivalent smokers. monsters. the toughest motherfucker in bed-stuy is a muffin compared to some of these guys. his name's samir nazhde. teaches arab studies at brooklyn college. he sponsored ail waziri's student visa. and dig this -- his brother blew up a movie theatre in tel aviv. you're fishing and he's getting visas for bombers. yes, and he's on the next plane for tunis. go. samir nazhde, my name is frank haddad, i'm a federal agent. we have reason to believe you are an accessory to the bombing of bus 87. you are an associate of ali waziri. you got him a student visa. you spent two years in israeli jails during the intifada. sorry. family matter. you're going downtown, my friend. defrauding the ins is a federal offense. reservation for one, please. "oh, danny-boy, the perps, the perps, are call-ing. we need a search warrant on samir. -- someday i will tell you what those people did to my village in '71. what's there to tip? so you're saying. you sleep around? i'll have somebody drive you. elise. i'm really high strung, too. beats cable. three sounds right. if we had microwave we'd know for sure. the cia's got microwave, how come we don't have microwave. drop your weapon! anybody like anchovies --? what --? so am i --! hey, elise. tell us about being a spook? ever meet aldrich ames? weren't you at the bay of pigs? the shah of iran, noriega, i love the way you guys predicted the collapse of the soviet union. whoa. what do they put in these drinks --? fred, whitney, we're waiting on who else. we just got a confirmation on mike. he was with fred in the lobby. been better. says samir. that's good sound. one's his uncle, he owns the place. the other's a doctor. they check out clean. a clean body and a pure heart. -- if you're on the state department terrorist watch list you cannot get into this country. but ali waziri was on the watch list, and he got in. they told me to call ins. they told me to call state. what the fuck is the nypd doing here?! they got frankie. my kid's here someplace -- he's only thirteen, for chrissake -- they came into my house. my wife told them who i was -- how many times did i put it on the line, hub --? how many times -- we're american citizens, twenty years. ten years in the bureau -- they knocked her down. and took him. out of my own house. no! i've got to find him. besides, this is where i belong. here. i'm not their sand nigger anymore. kannell was really on. think they'll make the play-offs? he's alright. thanks for getting him out. i trust her about as far as i can throw her. ah, microwave. we've got a problem. what the -- she knew we were listening. "i. seek refuge. king of kings" allah ahkbar -- did we win or did we lose --?