swat? negotiator? bomb squad? how soon can we get there --? -- what?! -- and nobody's hurt? thank god. -- okay. blue paint. voice-altering technology -- still, the rhetoric sounds political. militia? frank --? i want a composite of the suspects in circulation by the end of business today. tina, you cross-check it against the mainframe. mike, have you got the lab analysis on the paint? -- see if any was sold in quantity the last month. danny -- -- find out what stop these guys got on the bus, maybe there's a witness. here's what i don't like. they know explosives. they know our response time. they put in a call and walk. release him? him who? who are we holding? why be coy about it? -- agency? hi. special agent anthony hubbard. fbi. -- and you've been trying to "liaise" with me all day? did you think of trying the phone book, elise? we have fourteen lines, that's not counting the unlisted ones. and i'm colin powell. what exactly do you people want with my bus. who exactly is "we" on this particular team, elise? tell you what, you send me an official inter-agency request for cooperation on this and i'll give you copies of everything we come up with. otherwise, get your ass on out of here before you contaminate my crime scene any more than you already have. you think this is nasty? in case you haven't heard. the cia has no charter to operate domestically. which puts you in violation of federal law. special order 12333 refers to domestic terrorism. you got something you want to "share" with me? us being teammates and all? -- get back to me, yeah, i know. here's what i'm gonna do. i'm gonna have a couple my "teammates" here escort you back to wherever you came from. and then i'm gonna go back to the office and wait for that official cooperation request. okay by you? nice meeting you, elise. is that elise with an "e" or an "a"? tail her. very. you must be so proud. you're staying with your family. i'm back in the morning. has he broken any laws? check out his neck. put him in play. -- on the van wyck. no, not yet. -- what are we in? six teams on the ground, at least. well, pull 'em off the un. stay back. i want husbands and wives, i want baby carriages, and no brooks brothers. -- and find me a judge i can work with. we want sound on this guy. damn'. i'm losing you. and bring us a radio. america's the place to be if you're a terrorist. fred's hovering. patsy, take over. tell her to watch out for reflections. good morning, sir. how're things in the second circuit this morning? . i hear you. listen, judge, we're in a kind of situation here. hold on, will ya, judge? is he talking to somebody, who's he talking to? are we getting film? -- frank? what's that? no, judge, not yet we're not. but we have reason to believe he may be involved with -- damnit tommy! he's overacting! tell him -- sorry, judge. no. i just -- go, go, go!!! all units -- judge, i'm gonna have to call you back. what the --? run him down, bring him in. go, floyd. all units report in turn. let's roll. really? i'm taking him into custody just the same. not in this lifetime. what friends --? what have you got for me, elise?. enlighten me. tell me now or tell me downtown. get this guy out of here and book him. you have "the right to remain silent," you have "the right to an attorney. anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law -- " -- kidnapping. obstruction of justice. assault. cuff her. you ready to tell us what's going on here, elise --? was the paintbomb a warning? is there a terrorist cell operating in this city that we are unaware of? you ever been in rikers, elise? you know what happens in there? any communication at all? get the frequency of the driver's radio and patch it through to this number. we need two lines. frank, get a negotiator out here. that gives us something to work with. oh, now you want to talk. you want to be my friend, is that it? how do you know? is there a terrorist cell operating in brooklyn? was the blue paint a warning? if they wanted to blow the bus then why haven't they blown the bus --? where the hell's the negotiator? what else did he say about the device? did he describe it at all? anything about a button, or a cord, or. what? we have rules of engagement we're gonna follow here, folks, so put the safeties back on your weapons. nobody's killing anybody until we see what's what. larry, this is agent hubbard of the fbi, i'll be negotiating our way out of this. let me talk to one of them. i know. i know. you just hang in there, larry. no, don't worry, i've got somebody here who can translate. sir, -- my name is anthony hubbard. i don't have any authority to make deals, or respond to demands. i just want to find out if you need anything in there? if any of the passengers are in need of medical attention? -- frank? sir, is there anything you want to say to me? that i can tell my people here? i get the feeling you don't want to talk, but will you listen --? . whatever grievance you have, whatever quarrel -- surely it doesn't involve these children -- so i'm gonna ask you to. please. let. the. children go. thank you, sir. i appreciate that gesture, i really do. the best way to get what you want in these situations is to show yourself to be reasonable. as you've just done. now we've got some more to talk about. i am unarmed, as you can see. so i propose. you let the rest of the passengers go, and i take their place. that way, there's no pizza deliveries or bathroom breaks to worry about -- and all these -- -- people. will disappear. i'm gonna take your silence to mean you're considering my offer -- how about we just start with a few of the elderly people you got on there. it's got to be hard for the older folks to be standing all this time. thank you, sir. now let's just let these -- fights for consciousness. i'm. alright. i'm -- -- okay. just let me -- is anybody -- -- every trap, every hole. i want to rumble every mosque, every community center, every student organization that's ever said an unkind word. i want the heat turned up under all our assets, all our informers, every snitch gets twisted inside out. and put some money out on the street -- arab community hates these people as much as we do. they'll help. have you got positive id on -- we need more hands. fred -- i want to talk to khalil. -- conferences with dc at 9:00, 12:00, 4:00 and 9:00. call your families, find a sleeping bag, nobody leaves this office until we have a strand to pull. oklahoma city, people. the first twenty-four hours are the only twenty-four hours. and i don't want to see anybody walking. doctor seen him? got a cigarette --? ten thousand dollars. khalil. i want to talk about the money. okay. doesn't like second hand smoke. you ready to talk about money? nasty habit. 3830 flatbush avenue. we want every rental agreement from every landlord in brooklyn. hotels, motels, flophouses. it's cash, guys. they're the only ones in america using cash. -- ask it if they've ever hit buses? -- with a q-tip. bone shards, hair, fingernails -- ladies and gentlemen, meet the late ali waziri. tina talked to the israelis and traced this sucker to a group operating out of ramallah. that's the west bank, not the west side for those of you just joining us from nebraska. where's the original --? where's the copy? what time is it --? -- it's what they use for funerals. the guy was wearing a shroud. let's see if she's ready to talk. i thought one phone call and you were out of here. why not? just some tinnitus in my left ear -- i need to know what i don't know. you hungry? -- the washing of the body, then the shroud. i saw it on sixty minutes. tell me something i don't know. extracted? extracted by whom? i see. with something of a devoted following? . okay, i can understand why we might not want to publicize the fact that our government's in the kidnapping business, but why not tell us? what else you got on his followers. meaning? so they'll just keep coming until we release him. what about talking to this sheik? so who's giving the orders? how do they coordinate, pick their targets? we wait. why would i consider doing that --? take him down. frank -- frank, c'mere a sec. i want to show you something. frank, you ever hit a prisoner again i'll have your badge. okay. but right now, act as if i'm capable of saying something funny. now, let's go see about that warrant. find me a judge who'll play ball this time. and set up a polygraph for samir. you're just trying to protect your asset. aren't you, elise --? he's your joe, your asset. he's working for you, you're his case officer -- right? meaning, he's your joe. so we share him. -- call ins, find out his status and start deportation proceedings. oh, you can't let me do that. what precisely is your involvement with these people. call the judge. daily reports. we tap his phone. fair enough. we share him. then don't tell him. let him fly. but we better start seeing product. any more surprises for me? then i'm going home to get some things. i'll grab a cab. i know who you are, general. i served in the -- -- 173rd. put me through school. what, uh, brings you here, general?. can i get you some coffee? no, sir, i haven't. i know -- reading the papers -- terrorism's a real concern for him. and your job is to -- i didn't guess you came all this way for a cup of coffee. with all respect for your expertise, sir. we're on track here. i appreciate your support. what do you know about sheik ahmed bin talal? maybe not. we've received two communications -- from the bombers to "release him." i know our stated policy is not to negotiate with terrorists, but -- the cia says -- elise kraft. i appreciate the heads up. how's your lip --? no. just learning about commitment. you're not hearing me. this khalil was carrying cash for -- no, but -- i know we'll turn up trace elements of semtex, chemicals. something. what about as a feasibility study? we enter first, take a look, then fill out the warrant. we're the good guys. what is good enough, judge? another bus? a school, maybe. these things come in waves. -- and not in cash i guarantee it. frank's working another warrant -- you mean people like you? it's. against. the. law. just because you talk the talk doesn't make you an expert. and just because you read my file doesn't make you an expert on me. -- you think i want to lose them. where do you get off talking that shit. if i don't take 'em down properly they'll be on the street two hours from now. i could find dynamite, semtex, plutonium and a book of matches in there and unless i've got the right warrant it's all inadmissible my quaint laws? last i checked you were an american citizen. and these happen to be the only laws we got. look, i'm just a cop, okay, and i'm real sorry the cold war's over, and you masters of the universe got nothing going on over there in afghanistan or iraq or wherever -- but you're just not in the middle east anymore. what about the others? see if we can get a pulse -- goddamn it. goddamn it. it didn't fire. they had it rigged to the door and it didn't fire. we're too old to be lucky, frank. but you work against them. so i'm a fanatic. is that right? that's what my nephew keeps asking me. "why you with the man, unc?" you read my file. you tell me. that was in my file? you believe in anything, elise --? how about right and wrong? -- only my prom date wasn't packing a gun. two inches. from the ground. so what's the latest from samir. i want a list of every visa he sponsored. i once knew this undercover guy, started to care so much about his source -- have you considered that he might also be in bed with the other side? you're so confident. i don't know. -- could i interrupt? there is something you probably haven't thought about doing? nothing. don't over-react. with all respect, gentlemen, i'm just a cop. to you these people may be martyrs, but to me they're criminals. and a criminal is no more than somebody who thinks he's better than everyone else. and he's not better. he only has to be wrong once. and that's where we come in. we run down a tip from a landlord, or we pick up a latent print from a bus. our phones are ringing off the hook with people from the arab community wanting to help. they love this country and they hate that these criminals are giving them a bad name. with their help and some old-fashioned shoe leather, we'll nail these guys. -- are they confirmed? sharon. anthony hubbard. average intelligence. but 'til i hear otherwise this is still my show. i appreciate that, colonel. you're standing on our infrastructure. excuse me. -- brooklyn. how many does that make it --? frank. this is sharon. -- i didn't catch the last name. why was there no warning from samir? maybe i'll ask him. over six hundred dead bodies. how the fuck can you be so sure? -- and financing the sheik. -- and help bring down saddam. so who are they? give me names, give me pictures. not some history lesson. so you got nothing. has he had any contact with them? how does he do it? and otherwise. he's waiting? what's he waiting for? more bodies? we got lots more buildings in midtown, maybe he's waiting to see how many they can blow up. how?. why soon? what's the tradecraft, sharon? ironsites, visuals? i love all that spy shit. i'm gonna haul your boy downtown, strap his ass to a polygraph and ask him all about you. then i'm gonna send the transcripts to a friend of mine at the times who just loves to write about the latest cia link to some political horror show. it's lose-lose from here on in, who said that? how can you possibly remember who you're fucking? except they're not saying anything worth listening to. he go there every day? did you call the state department? -- and? don't you just love government? sorry. from now on, we will raise our hands and wait to be called on -- danny --? i don't think we're there yet. it's also not going to stop these people. thank you, sir. and to everyone else for their patience today. these are extremely difficult times -- london, paris, we're not the first city to have to deal with this. in tel aviv, the day after they blew up the market, the market was full. this is new york. we can take it. closer on the timer. quit bickering and fix it! who, unable to keep up the facade for a single second more, is also weeping now. weeping for the victims of the bombings, weeping for the children who've survived, weeping for himself. my neck's a little stiff, that's all. i know. you want a drink? better days. where's samir? you'd like that. how about running an fbi agent? why else are you here? leave. hubbard. what --? . slow down, slow down -- i can't say the same, sir. not in that uniform. i thought you were against this. "i'm only following orders" didn't work at nuremberg. it may not be your policy but they're your tactics. against our own team? i'm questioning your judgement, yes, sir. i'm not under your command, general. they're not shutting us out. they need men like me. we're putting samir in play. oh, right, he's high-strung. only you can manage him. you and the cia and the dia and god-knows-who-else you're really working for --! get back in there, sharon, elise, whatever the fuck your name is -- they'll probably make you a colonel. if you're not one already. what, exactly, are your interests, sharon? you protect samir, you protect the agency. you're interested in protecting everything but your country. no, and i don't want to know. with you or without you we're putting samir in play. now. does he understand the difference between the fbi and the dea? you can stop it all right now. let's just calm down for a second. we'll take care of you. don't worry. you just have to calm down -- -- you got a student visa for ali waziri. because. somebody asked you to -- didn't they --? hey, that's enough. now. nobody's going to burn you, nobody's going to call anybody -- -- who asked you to get that visa? don't be afraid. i can protect you. there's nothing to be afraid of. my beeper number. anybody messes with you, i'm there in twenty minutes. you're not so bad yourself. didn't get his number. darn. floyd, hub. we need to put something together in a big-ass hurry. where's frank --?. give him a 911. -- and find some kind of beat-up car. well, beat it up yourself if you have to. 896 commerce st. it's a garage in red hook. but remember -- -- they're pros. jesus. we can hit him in less than an hour. where are you going? fbi --! fbi --! now. i'm gonna. reach. into my jacket. and show you. my shield. all units, report in turn. if talking will reveal your position, just key your walkie. yo. tariq around? tariq? you're tariq husseini? damn. do you think you could give him a message? tell him the fbi is after him. very. slowly. put your hands on top of the table. that wouldn't be a racist epithet, now would it? stand up. where are the others? do as he says. crawls, dragging tariq toward the doors as: frank, slow down -- i'll get him out. frank -- it's wrong, frank. what can i say to you, but it's. all. terribly. horribly. wrong. now, come with me. frank. haddad. junior. check this out, pal. his father's a federal agent for ten years. and you're just stupid enough to think that's an insult. there is no "if". i'm vouching for this kid. i want him out. you mean, like you're looking into me? surveilling me? breaking up my operations? if i'd known i was going to have to do your job for you i would never have left the army. tariq husseini is my prisoner. i want to see him. i want to see him. he can't give up the other cells if he doesn't know about them. what about her briefing? the strategy session -- she said the cells don't know about each other, that they -- are you people insane --? how about two men? how about three? how about public executions, that might work. general. you've lost men, i've lost men. but what you're doing. it doesn't work in belfast. it doesn't work in gaza. and it won't work here. -- what if. they don't want their leader back at all? you said yourself, we don't even have him. maybe what they really want -- is that we herd our children into stadiums. put soldiers into our streets. radicalize people who want to think of themselves as americans. bend the law, shred the constitution. because if we torture him -- and let's call it what it is. you. and i. then the country men like us have sworn to defend. and bled to defend. and died to defend. is gone. and they've won. so we do have the sheik? of course. what do you mean, let the justice system do its work. why me? and what about her? you know who. how much is she complicit in all this? -- but first, you helped them. they were being slaughtered. they needed to get out. but they were on the watch list. so you got them visas. you and samir. doing what, exactly? you said you trained them. tradecraft. subversion. that's what you said, right? only you left something out, didn't you. didn't you, sharon? you taught them how to make bombs. -- and now they're here, doing what you taught 'em. you watch the game? how's your boy? green is about right. you sure he'll go through with it? i like watching better. nothing's going wrong. that far? it's a shroud. first she turns off the tv, then she says it. the hammam. let her go and you'll live. let her go and you'll live -- samir --! no way you're going out there. shut up. i. can't --! if there is a god, he weeps at the crimes we commit in his name. officer down. officer down --! shhhhhhh. you. knew. sharon. sharon -- -- what are you? i don't. amen. i want to talk about a free society. the last cell has been taken down. it was samir. i took him out. sharon. sharon is dead. she gave her life. this is a writ from the us district court releasing all those being held here without habeus corpus. your authority ends now. it's all over. they're going to release him. the sheik. clear violation of international law, congressional oversight statutes, a couple of treaties, the federal perjury statute, and my favorite, the logan act, for conducting your own personal foreign policy. i know the whole story, general. general. i'm not in politics. you can have this back. i won't use it. i said i wasn't in politics. i'm not. i'm in law enforcement. william devereaux, you are under arrest for the torture and murder of tariq husseini under color of authority, united states code title 42, chapter 21, subchapter 1, sections