are you crazy --? who? i know no one by that name. i sign these applications as a matter of course, hundreds of them. everyone wants to come to the land of opportunity and baywatch. the only ones who didn't were women like you. you cannot hold me. i know my rights. i watch american television. you let him hit me --!! you cannot care about me and let such things happen! sometimes i hate you just because you are so american. it makes me want to hurt you. i think about fucking you and hurting you. don't tell me what i have to do. -- some people just cannot live in the camps. for my brother, it was already like dying. the only thing he lives for is movies. -- and then some sheik tells him that, to die for allah is beautiful. if he does this thing, our parents will be taken care of, and he will live on in paradise with seventy virgins. seventy. and my brother, he needs to believe it very much, so he straps ten sticks of dynamite to his chest and goes to the movies. and i become a vip. it is very confusing. you are using me, too! everybody uses the palestinians! we are the whores of the middle east! you make reports about our little talks --? what about fucking me? oh, my god. oh, my god. listen to that --! are you listening? they're killing arabs out there! what are you talking about --? the army is here. they're setting up interrogation centers right now. they're torturing people in cellars. -- i've got to get out of here. you have to help me -- money. i must have more money. i. got it myself. she's crazy. they're ghosts. jinn. they'd never trust someone like me. please. i'm afraid of going to hell. his name is tariq husseini. he runs an auto shop. . on commerce street in red hook. ahhhhhh. he is afghani. ahhhh. he got word to my uncle at the bath-house. you never met him. sharon, they are all dead but the last cell and they are crazy with fear. just tell me the message and i will pass it on. this is not the way to the bath-house. you said to get a key from my uncle so that we -- sharon, please, i beg you. do not make me do this. if they even dream we are being followed they will kill us. what are you doing? it is all so. tragic. arab and jew, side by side. black and white, christian and muslim -- -- so american. can you imagine a better target? they'll be here. what message do you have for them, sharon? that's right. there will never be a last cell. you should listen to the young men in that stadium. it is just beginning. it was the money. you believe money is power. belief is power. the world is a wheel. so. what message do you have for me, sharon? praise god. when will he be free --? -- no. no. it's not. i want you to bleed. as we have bled. do not speak to me of the koran, woman. you take our leader. a holy man. you put him in prison for preaching the word of god. you must learn the consequences of trying to tell the world how to live. yes. and they, too, will become its martyrs. move away from the door. get away from the door --!!! you want to die --!! move away --! it is god's will.