i got it figured. i've had two separate folks tell me they think there are strangers around these parts the last couple of nights. can't tell what they look like, cause they're staying in the shadows -- covert like. no one's got hurt mind you. and that's the give away. it's called probing. it's a military procedure. you send a reconnaissance group, very small, to check out things. not to engage, but to evaluate the situation. evaluate the level of danger. make sure things are all clear. for the rest of them. hey you didn't used to play baseball did you? shit. i know you. you're merrill hess. i was there that day you hit that five hundred and eighty seven footer over the left field wall and set the record. that thing had a motor on it. it's still the record right? you got two minor league home run records don't you? boy, why aren't you in the pros making stacks of cash and getting handfuls of t and a? you really hold the strike out record?