bo where's morgan?
this isn't a --
morgan what's happening?
are.  you.  hurt?
did what morgan?
 lee actually the reason i'm calling is about lionel.
was he at home last night with you or was he out and about with the wolfington brothers?
well, there was a little mischief done to our crops last night.
i know he's a fine boy.  no one's saying otherwise.
listen lee, i don't even mind if it was him. you could just talk to him and that would be enough for me.  see it was kind of strange finding the crops like that. the kids were.  confused by it. it would take the strangeness away if we knew it was lionel and the wolfington brothers just messing around.  the movies.  are you sure? okay, then.  thank you for your patience lee.
take him outside. i'll call dr. reynolds.
that was quick edgar. i only called you boys about two hours ago.
don't call me father.
don't call me father. it's just graham now.
you said something was strange. what's strange?
what about them?
it's not broken.
can't be by hand.  it's too perfect.
what was the first thing?
sounds like a virus.
edgar, please don't call me father.
i don't hear my children.
did he hurt you?
i'm so sorry morgan.
please tie up isabelle to the back of the shed. make sure the knot's tight.
they're tough cookies, those two. they think houdini's playing with you up there. at least it got them to sleep.
okay miss puzzle master. i got one for you.  what can make geometric shapes the size of a football field.  and what would scare every animal in this county? have you figured it out yet? you probably have.  give me a hint colleen.  is it bigger than a bread box?
what's the matter?
what's wrong with the water next to your bed?
what's the rule about getting up in the middle of the night?
what are you thinking about?
it makes me feel better.
this is not an intelligent way to approach this.
explain, act crazy?
i'm not going to curse.
it doesn't sound natural when i curse.
explain noises.
no i'm not.
ahhhh.  i'm insane with anger.
i've lost my mind! it's time for an ass whoopin'!
i cursed.
he's on the roof.
yes it was.
it does seem kind of odd doesn't it?
he definitely wasn't a midget.
i would say so.
yes, it was.
edgar, it sounds as strange to me saying it, as it is to you hearing it. but we couldn't see him. he stayed mostly in the shadows. all we could make out was movement. but i'll tell you something with absolute certainty. there was someone watching our house last night. he was looking in my children's windows and i want you to find him edgar. i need you to take this seriously, just incase, it is something serious.
edgar, come inside.
i have some upstairs.
bo, can you turn down the volume until officer paski leaves?
he's telling you the truth, edgar. whoever it was, is very strong and can jump pretty high.
shoot, it needs a screw driver. i have double a's in here.
i know you're making a point edgar. i just don't know what it is.
bo, you're too old to still be doing this. the rule is, you take a glass of water, you finish it. now what's wrong with this one?
this one?
this one?
i don't think so.
it's old morgan.
turn up the volume bo.
six months.
and three weeks.
it's good advice.  say hi to marcia for me.
no radio either.  just for a while.
only one.
meet back in fifteen minutes.
for morgan hess. and it's not father anymore.
tracey, i -- am -- not -- a -- reverend -- anymore. i haven't been for six months. you know this.
i suppose it's in its usage.
that's a curse.
i don't want any one of you spending time with tracey abernathy alone. is that understood?
it's just static morgan. turn it up and see.
let me see that please.
it's broken morgan. it'll just keep doing this. let's get out of the car okay?
we can't just sit in the car in our own driveway like this.
i'm getting out now.
it's probably picking up another baby monitor.
see this is why we're not watching those news reports. people get obsessed. i'm letting go now.
morgan, be careful.
hold on.
merrill you got her.
you know something? even entertaining the possibility of this for a minute has been exciting.
i can see how people can get carried away with this type of thing.
it's a kind of faith. it's an intoxicating thing to believe in something you can't see.
you were always good at that.
believing in things you couldn't see. you would have been the first person on that station wagon wouldn't you? you and morgan would have been wrestling for that baby monitor.
it'll be secretly kind of sad for everybody, when this turns out to be -- all just make believe.
you're wasting your time here! i'm not going to report this or anything you do to me crops, to the news or tv or anybody! you're not going to get famous!
okay. let's turn on the tv.
find another tape.
that's true.
that wasn't the answer you wanted?
 there are all different ways you can tell that there's someone really there watching out for us. you see signs. sometimes they're little ones. you think of someone. the phone rings. they're on the phone.  sometimes they're big, like fourteen lights hovering over mexico city. sure, there are a lot of people watching this who think this could be a bad thing. but there are a lot of people watching this, who think it's a miracle. a sign of god's existence. it's all in how you look at things merrill. what you have to decide is what kind of person you are? are you the type who believes in miracles and looks for signs or are you the kind who believes, things just happen by chance?
there you go.
do you feel comforted?
what does it matter then?
do you know what colleen's last words were before they killed her?
she said, "see", and then her eyes glazed a bit and she said.  "tell merrill to swing away."
do you know why she said that?
because the nerve endings in her brain were firing as she died, and some random memory of us at one of your baseball games popped into her head. there is no one watching out for us merrill. we're all on our own.
what's furry, furry rabbit?
what time is it?
the bird could have had a heart attack and crushed his head when he fell.
who wrote this book?
that means they're unemployed.
i don't know what got into me.
i just asked his name.
looks a little like our house doesn't it?
that's enough from dr. bimboo for now. everybody in this house needs to calm down and eat some fruit or something.
i'm going out for a few minutes. no one leaves this house. no one.
ray reddy's house.
i think he just called here.
hello ray.
what happened ray?
you're welcome ray.
where you going ray?
ray, did you see one of them?
the police are here.  i am with them.  i am a police officer. i just want to talk to you.
we know all about the hoax. we already took some of your friends downtown in the paddy wagon. paddy wagon?
if you tell us your name and why you did it, we'll give you the same deal we gave the others. don't throw away your life son.
douche bag.
tell me something morgan. in that book of your, did they happen to detail what would happen if they were hostile?
did they say what our chances would be if they did invade?
what's two?
what do you think about the idea that they don't like places near water, and we might be safe from them near a lake or something?
we can choose to believe it and pack up and leave. or we can stay here. board up this house. hide inside our home and wait it out. either way, at least we'll be together. all those in favor of the lake, raise your hand.
all those in favor of home, raise your hand.
because, they seem to have trouble with pantry doors.
they decided to show themselves.
i'm going to get back to the windows.
we'll have to board up the bedroom doors.
the family room.
we'll keep her in the garage, after dinner.
spaghetti sounds great.
what do you want, morgan?
now we're talking. how about you merrill?
good choice.  i'm going to have a cheeseburger with bacon. extra bacon.
what's the matter with everyone? eat.
i don't want to hear anymore talk like that. and i don't want to see anymore faces like the ones i'm looking at. we are going to enjoy this meal. nothing can stop us from enjoying this meal! enjoy!
stop crying!
fine, if you all don't want to eat, then i'm going to have some of everything.
this tastes so great.
it's happening.
did i ever tell you what everyone said when you were born, bo?
you came out of your momma and you didn't even cry. you just opened your eyes and looked around at everybody. your eyes were so big and gorgeous, the ladies in the room gasped.
they literally gasped. then they go, "she's like an angel." they said, "we've never seen a baby so beautiful."
and you know what else happened?
when they put you on the table to clean you up, you looked at me and smiled. they say babies that young can't smile.  you smiled.
let's go down now.
they already know we're here.
do you know what happened when you were born morgan?
you came out and your momma kept bleeding. the doctors rushed you out of the room before i could even see you.
while they were trying to fix her up, all she kept asking about was you.
i wanted your momma to see you first. she had dreamed about you her whole life. they waited till she felt better, then they brought you in. they placed you right in her arms. and she looked at you. and you looked at her. you just stared at each other for the longest time and then she said real soft, "hello morgan, i'm you momma, you look just like i dreamed."
how temporary?
let go.
we have to go in the basement.
did i ever tell you, i dislocated uncle merrill's arm?
they're right behind the door.
he was only a year and half old.
he was trying to eat a second chocolate bar. your grandma said, "no." he tried to take a bite, so i grabbed it.
i must have pulled his arm at an awkward angle. his elbow popped right out of the socket.
he didn't scream or anything. his arm just flopped to his side and he got real still.
i held him in my lap in the back seat as we drove to the hospital. i couldn't stop crying.  we need to go into the basement now.
you know what your uncle merrill did right after the doctor put his arm back in place? he jumped off the table and gave me a hug. he had already forgotten that i was the one who hurt him.
i'm sorry i hurt your arm.
we need something to wedge against the doorknob.
you're scaring your sister.
merrill --
where's bo?
i can't even imagine.
they're just making noises. they're not trying to get in. why are they doing that?
they're distracting us?
morgan, give me your flashlight.
is there an air vent in here?
i can feel air.
it's getting stronger.
pull him!
we don't have his medicine.
don't be scared morgan. we'll slow it down together. feel my chest. feel it going in and out. breathe like me. breathe like me.
stay with me. stay with me. i know it hurts. be strong baby.  it'll pass.
don't do this to me again. not again.
i hate you. i hate you.
the fear is feeding it.  don't be afraid of what's happening.  believe it's going to pass.  believe it.  just wait.  don't be afraid.  the air is coming.  believe.  we don't have to be afraid.  it's about to pass.  here it comes.  don't be afraid.  here comes the air.
there we go.  we don't have to be scared at all.  we know it'll pass. we believe it.  don't be afraid morgan.
feel my chest.  breathe with me. together.  the air is going in our lungs.  together.  we're the same. we're the same.
i hate you.
they're broadcasting.
how many died?
how do they know it's over?
have they said anything about our area?
he's not strong enough to fight off another attack.
me too.
get the syringe as well. we might need to give him an epinephrine shot.
you want to see it?
i'll bring the tv in here.
he's reading my --
there was an accident. drunk driving. they weren't sure.
is he okay?
she's talking.  which ambulance is she in?
why not?
pinned? what does that mean?
what did you say?
edgar. is this the last time i'm going to talk to my wife?
hi baby.
you love walks.
does it hurt?
 i will.
 i will.
i'm here.
what? colleen?.  colleen?
swing away, merrill.
swing away.
his lungs were closed. his lungs were closed. no poison got in.  no poison got in.
his lungs were closed.
don't touch him.
don't touch him.
yeah baby. i think someone did.