where are they? i used a little tabasco in the potato salad. okay, this guy is trying to scare us. he's messed with our property, he's coming around the house. it's time for an ass whoopin'! we both go outside and move around the house in opposite directions. we act crazy, insane with anger. make him crap in his pants and force him around till we meet up on the other side. curse and stuff. you don't mean it. it's just for show. just make noises then. are you going to do this or what? you want him coming in the house next time? on the count of three. one. two. three. we're gonna beat your ass bitch! i'm gonna tear your head off! i heard. it was very dark. probably. it was very dark. i don't know any girls can run like that. this guy got on the roof in like a second. that roof is over ten feet high. excluding the possibility that a female scandinavian olympian was running around outside our house last night, what else is a possibility? no. listen, i was out of line with that whole female scandinavian olympian thing. it's just that, i'm pretty strong and pretty fast. and i was running as fast as i could. and this guy. he was just toying with us. you do? i see. clear for what? you have a pamphlet or something i can read? i got the bat at home. on the wall. five. the five longest. hello lionel. felt wrong not to swing. pharmacy crowded? yeah. all this crop stuff. they did it twenty-five years ago. it was a joke. it's noise. we'll look like mental patients. that's right. let me see it. you'll lose the signal! i got him. the crazies were right. some people are probably thinking this is the end of the world. do you think it's a possibility? how can you say that? can you at least pretend to be like you used to be? give me some comfort? i was at this party once. i'm on a couch with sara mckinney. she was just sitting there, looking beautiful and staring at me. i go to lean in and kiss her and i realize i have gum in my mouth. i turn and take out the gum. stuff it in my paper cup next to the sofa and turn around. sara mckinney throws up all over herself. i knew the second it happened. it was a miracle. i could have been kissing her when she threw up. that would have scarred me for life. i may never have recovered. i'm a miracle man. those lights are a miracle. so which type are you? yes. for the kids protection. all they were doing was watching tv from five a.m. i felt like they were getting obsessed like you said. they should be playing furry, furry rabbit or tea party or something right? that's a game isn't it? anyway. there's been some interesting developments. eleven a.m. they're gone. but they're not really gone. we just can't see them. early this morning a bird flew right at the area where the lights were hovering last night. it stopped dead in the air and fell straight down. they caught it on tape and they've been playing it all morning. they found the bird. his head crushed in. when you see the footage it looks like the bird flew into a wall in the sky. they think they have some invisible shield thing going, like an optical illusion. already thought of. two other birds did the same thing an hour later. not as dramatic. they lived. but you could see they hit something. they're still there hovering. in fact, some people think there's more of them now. all over the place. over us even. and there's a theory about the crop circles now. they think it could be some kind of landmark, visual mapping system -- so they can navigate. coordinate. makes sense doesn't it? you had a tone. where are you going? why? move children! vamonos! they're skin changes color. that's why we couldn't see him that night. i'm sorry, what book is this? how do we know boards will do anything? it's like war of the worlds. you guys okay? don't worry. you know about signs morgan? not like the ones people write on. it's like if you poured a glass of milk and you dropped the glass by mistake and broke it before you could drink it. then you looked at the milk carton and saw that the milk was spoiled. they're things that happen by chance or luck, but make you feel that someone's watching out for you. yeah, like that. i believe in signs morgan. i think there's someone watching out for us. i got to believe he's going to make sure we're all right in the end. too many windows in the bedrooms. we don't have enough boards. i'll make sandwiches. we should eat fast bo. chicken teriyaki. graham hurry. should we turn off the lights? they're on the roof. they're in the house. the attic door. this is a very temporary solution. twenty-two seconds. this is going to do nothing. there's no way out of there. should we make a run for it out the back? what are you doing? they're coming. we won't be able to get out of there. i know. i'm looking! got it! what's happening out there? they want our attention on the door? from what? what book! me too. i'm close. hold the vent! i should save the flashlights. i found a pack of light bulbs. it came on about two hours ago. woke me up. we won graham. it went on all night. everywhere. it was completely a ground battle. mostly hand to hand. you can't see them unless you're up close. a lot of people died. some from combat. but most from poison gas inhalation. they secrete it. they think over a hundred thousand. they're just estimates. but we held strong. a mass evacuation by them started about eight o'clock this morning. it's eleven now. they're leaving. you didn't think we'd make it. listen, there's things i can take and a couple things i can't and one of them i can't take, is when my older brother -- -- who is everything i want to be, starts losing faith in things. i saw your eyes last night. i don't want to ever see your eyes like that again, okay? i'm serious. he's been like that for awhile. we need to get him some medicine. philadelphia and its outlying counties are cleared, but who knows for sure? i know. we need to be sure, before we open that door graham. that's good enough for me. graham. graham.