i think god did it. houdini peed. i think he's sick. you don't even know what that word means. it's not contaminated. it's just tap water. pour it in his bowl. he licks his butt everyday. he's not going to mind. houdini? bo don't run. what's wrong boy? stop it houdini! bo, run. he wanted to kill bo. can i use bo's old baby monitor as a walkie-talkie? it needs batteries. these are d's; i need double a's. it's still making the noises. it's broken. extraterrestrials. book money. extraterrestrials? do you have book on extraterrestrials? your water is fine. bo has a thing about her drinking water. she's had it her whole life. like a tick people have. except it's not a tick. i'll take it. is that him? he's the man who killed mom. what if bo's baby monitor is picking up signals from the extraterrestrials? it's a code. we might lose the signal. don't do it. nobody move! voices. did you hear that? not english though. you heard the voices right uncle merrill? stop! it doesn't sound like words. don't do it! don't let go. it gets clearer, the higher you hold it. stop! there's two of them talking. they hung up. we have to tape this. listen bo. this is very important. everything people have written about in science books is going to change. the history of the world's future is on the tv right now. we need to record this so you can show your children this tape and say you were there. for your children bo. dad! uncle merrill, i'm using your tape. told you. so the aliens can't read our minds. they tell you everything in this book. it says they're probably very small -- like my height -- because, as their brains developed, there was no use for physical development. it says they're probably vegetarians, because they would have realized the benefits of such a diet. scientists who have been persecuted for their beliefs. dad, are you going to be serious? there are pictures. dr. bimboo, one of the authors of the book -- dad. he says there are two reasons why extraterrestrials would visit us. to make contact in the spirit of exploration and furthering the knowledge of the universe. or the other reason. they're hostile. they've used up the resources on their planet and are looking to harvest our planet next. that's weird. why, you got one of your feeling again? is it bad? if it does, i won't let anything bad happen to you. who said i was going to die? who said i was going to die? come on bo. i need to keep a look out. yes. they would invade us using only ground tactics. hand to hand combat. they wouldn't use their technology or fight an airborne battle, because they would know we would eventually use nuclear weapons and the planet would be useless to them. they said one of two things could happen. one, they fight and are defeated and leave to return again with full forces hundreds or even thousands of years later. they win. sounds made up. come quick! they think these look like stages immediately proceeding an attack maneuver. they think it might happen all at once. some guy had a sign that said it was the end of the world. nothing really bad is going to happen, is it uncle merrill? you sure right? i once had a bad dream and i couldn't wake up. i kicked at the table next to my bed and something fell on me and i woke up. it was a picture of mom. she was smiling. it made me feel safe. you mean like that? where are we going to sleep? what about isabelle? anything? french toast. and mashed potatoes. i'm scared. don't yell at her! we forgot about isabelle. dad -- we forgot our foil helmets! they'll read our minds! they'll know our secret thoughts. i hope they're doing better than we are. we don't even have helmets. the book says they're probably very good problem solvers. they'll find a way in. what? did someone save me?