mrs. kindleman twisted her ankle as she put it, "diving for her life" when a bunch of school kids rode down the sidewalk on skateboards. she went down to thorton's store this morning and started spitting on the new skateboards. spitting! by the time i got there, mrs. kindleman had sprayed the whole damn place. she must have had a cold or something. it was enough to turn a grown man's stomach. so what happened to your crops? it's the strangest thing father. what's that? sorry. the footprints. there are none. look at where it's bent over. what kind of machine can bend a stalk of corn over without cracking it? doesn't sound much like lionel prichard and the wolfington brothers. they can't take a piss without wetting the front of their pants. second thing this week i can't explain. some animals around the county exhibiting uncharacteristic behavior. sometimes violent behavior. theo henry had two of his fingers bit off by his cow. no father, they're edgy. on alert. like they act when they smell a predator around. peeing on themselves and everything. what's wrong? you can't describe him at all? don't you think that's find of odd? i don't know whether to look for a midget or a -- okay. so he was tall? over six feet? we've established that. just tell me about his clothing then. was he wearing a scottish kilt or jeans? let me ask you two something. don't be embarrassed by the answer. it is possible. just possible now, you might have been chasing each other around? you said you went in opposite directions. i apologize. how certain are you, that this was a male? i don't know merrill. i've seen some of those women on the olympics. they could out run me easy. they got women's high jumping in the olympics. they got these scandinavian women who could jump clean over me. yesterday afternoon, an out of town woman stopped by the diner and started yelling and cussing cause they didn't have her favorite cigarettes at the vending machine. scared a couple of customers. no one's seen her since. my point is, we don't know anything about the person you saw. we should just keep all possibilities available. i'm not done asking questions and i don't appreciate the sarcasm. do you have anyone who might have a grudge or something against you? maybe a church member, who might not have liked the fact, that you left the church? do you owe anybody money? you can tell me off the record if you need too. is anything missing? could everyone just take a seat on the couch. i have some preliminary thoughts. there are three possibilities here. we'll call them one, two and three. the level one scenario is that there is a sane individual, who for real reasons wants to do you harm. i really don't believe that's what we're looking at here. in my opinion, whoever this is, they don't want to do harm to you all. that's kind of clear. the level two scenario is, this is a mentally unstable person who's fixated on you and your family. this is a possibility, but a very slim one. i assure you i will treat all three possibilities carefully, but in all likely hood we are looking at what we'll call a level three scenario. he's a watcher. someone who this is a game for. he's laying low. doesn't want to be seen. but he wants to watch you. study you folks. now i don't want you all to worry about this no more. you're making more of this than it is. you guys have had a tough couple of days with the vandalism to the crops and the death of your shepherd. maybe you guys should do something fun? let me worry about this person. let me find out who it is and then -- what the hell are you people looking at? i'll be damned. what in god's name is going on? don't ask me what i think. cause i can't think straight right now. i'm going back to the station. have a cup of marcia's coffee and try to think clear. after that i might make some calls. hoaxes. people got way too much time on their hands. but i'll tell you something, what i said in their, still goes. you and your family have been through a lot in the last two days. not to mention what happened to you all seven months ago. it's left its mark still. the last thing these children need to do, is worry about some crazy things happening in the world. take them into town. get their minds -- your mind, on everyday things. it's good medicine. you take care of yourself. graham. what do you know? he wasn't drinking. ray fell asleep at the wheel. yes. that's the first thing colleen asked too. she's not in an ambulance father. see father, ray's truck swerved off the road and ah. hit colleen and then a tree. she was pinned between the two. the truck. the truck has severed most of her lower half. she won't be saved. at this point she's alive, because the truck is holding her together. she doesn't feel much, and she's talking almost like normal. we didn't pull the truck out, cause we wanted you to come down here to be with her, as long as she's awake. that won't be very long. father, you understand what i've told you? yes it is.