we need his address, a physical descr- you son-of-a - you're out of line, starling, and you're off this case. back to quantico. your instructions are what i'm giving you now. jack crawford answers to the director, and the director answers to me. my god, crawford's losing it! he shouldn't even be on this, with his wife sick as she is. how the hell did you get in here, anyway? he gave you - what? some kind of special id? let's have it. gun. jesus. turn in the id as soon as you get back. the gun, too. be on the next plane, starling, there's one in 90 minutes. lecter has already named buffalo bill. he gave us a perfectly good description, and we're on it now, so we won't be needing your little novelty act any longer - or his, either. he's under close guard at the courthouse, pending a prison transfer. the next plane, officer. do you need a police escort, starling? or do you think you can find the airport by yourself? starling - the market in lecter hints is way down, today, okay? i've got two good men dead in memphis, and three civilians. i've got - - a u.s. senator who's half out of her head because her daughter's going to be murdered today! and all because of your mind games with fucking lecter! you sent in a green recruit, with a phony goddamn offer -