freaked me out. get your skin peeled off, is that a bummer? they said she was just rags, like somebody - no way. she had a guy, i'da known, believe me. sewing was her life, she was really great at it. poor freddie. oh sure, me'n pam malavesi used to help her do alterations for old mrs. lippman. lots of people worked for her, she had the business from all these retail stores? but she was like, totally old, it was more'n she could handle. she died. she went to florida to retire, like two years ago? she dies own there. is that a pretty good job, fbi agent? you get to travel around and stuff? i mean, better places then this? freddie was so happy for me when i got this job. this - toaster giveaways, and barry manilow on the speakers all day - she thought this was really hot shit. what did she know, big dummy.