could be i know a fat old fella who ought to take care of his mouth before someone comes along and turns it inside out. i pay joe haller's salary to keep the people in this town safe, and he ain't doing it. what are you, trying to be smart? what the fuck is going on h- groups one through four are in the woods north of the sturmfuller place. five and six west of carson creek. just remember, it's the psycho we want, not each other. so look before you- that's right, joe- the only deputy you got is that fat shitbag beside you, and neither one of you has done a damn thing about solving this case. you couldn't catch a cold. don't let this guy scare you! what's he done since this thing started but hang his face out? don't tell me to- well, it's about frigging time! they'll have his hide tacked to somebody's barn door before we get out there! we'll spread out in a skirmish line. if the bastard tries to go around us, we'll hear him. okay. spread out on me. five feet apart. what are you- no!