i'm going out for a while, 'kay? look at my knees! look at my dress! i hate you! oh, no! you never mean to! i hate you, you booger! stella? is that you? who's going away? you always take his side because he's a cripple! well, it's not my fault that he's a cripple! brady's a booger and so are you! oh, daddy! gross! if you don't stop it i'm going to vomit. i mean it. what's the money for? i don't want your money. you're a booger. i can get a pair of l'eggs down at the pharmacy for a dollar forty-nine. here. you booger! go to hell! what do you expect, when he comes in smelling like a brewery and looking like an unmade bed? he's okay, dad! let me help you up. marty coslaw, you get down out of that tree! they both are. at me, for not getting you sooner. i ought to let you fall. come on, marty. well, i don't see why everybody just about breaks down and cries whenever he- marty? you okay? you've just been sitting here all morning. went shopping. why? hi, mr. thayer. thank you. i'm going to bring in a monster load of bottles in an hour or so! oh. okay. that you, mr. fairton? 'bye, mr. mcclaren. father lowe! i'm ready to turn in my bottles and cans! okay! father lowe? father lowe?. i've got my tally sheet. i. i don't feel so well, i guess maybe i got too much sun. no! that is, i have to get home and help my mom with lunch. no- she. she was going to meet me at the market. i'll be fine. i will. i ran faster than i ever ran in my life- what do you think, dummox? by the time i got back here, i really thought i was going to faint. what are we going to do, marty? if we tried to tell anybody- grown-ups, i mean- they'd laugh. what are we going to do? uncle al- if father lowe is an innocent little lamb, why hasn't he picked up the telephone and called constable haller to tell him marty's sending poison-pen letters? why hasn't he picked up the phone and told constable haller that someone is sending him poison-pen letters? i don't know exactly what i believe. but i know that what i saw was a baseball bat and not a broomstick. i know there was something strange about the way the house smelled that day. it smelled like an animal's den. and i believe in marty. i mean- there are times when he makes me so mad i could kill him, but i still believe in him. you used to believe in him, too, uncle al. shut up, marty. blue. this blue. don't tell me what i have to do and what i don't, booger-brains. i don't know. maybe he doesn't know, either. will you? sure, uncle al. the moon's not down yet. don't you touch me, snotbrains! i'm all right. but marty! ma- are you all right, marty? You're a real booger, you know it?