all right. stay close. and make sure your brother's all right.
i want you two to bury the hatchet. you're being very silly, jane.
i think you're being mean as well as silly. your brother has never had a scraped knee in his whole life.
jane coslaw!
come on, marty- bedtime.
make it quick.
i don't want you drinking around marty. that's too much. if you can't stop it, you better stay away.
yes.  you've always been that to him. but if you can't leave your booze in whatever dump you call home, you better just stay away.
jane, have you been teasing your brother again?
jane coslaw!
so have i, actually.  i wish it could always be like this.
remember, al.  we'll be at the ritz-carlton in boston tomorrow night! or at the funeral parlor. it's stickney and-
and don't open the door for any trick or treaters even if they come!
you kids go to bed on time! you've got school tomorrow!
i will- be good, kids.
he's changed. just this summer. or something's changed him. marty, maybe. and the drinking- i think it's almost stopped. whatever it is, it's wonderful. and they'll be safe with him. i'm sure of it.