the man performing this curious task is writer. producer. director, viktor taransky, forties, conservatively dressed in suit and tie. he sits alone at an empty craft service table outside a cavernous soundstage, some distance from the rest of the film set -- a breeze blows the table's paper cloth. elaine and viktor talk in the shadow of an enormous soundstage. they speak more freely in each other's company. viktor's face against the sky. as he walks, we reveal that the sky is no more than a huge, painted backdrop on the studio lot -- behind a parking lot. viktor hands his valet ticket to a fawning valet manager. "million dollar reward for photo of simone!" -- is the headline on the cover of the echo. viktor is reading the magazine as he makes his way through the studio lot. the brief clip shows the front page of the l.a. times -- headlines: "hollywood suspends filming in memory of simone" and "d.a. seeks death penalty for taransky".