-- mr. taransky, mr. taransky. thank god. i've been trying to see you, calling -- your assistant wouldn't put me through. i told her it was a matter of life and death. i was afraid i wouldn't get to you in time -- i did it, mr. taransky. i licked skin. i licked hair. i licked every part of her. i have her, mr. taransky. the answer to your prayers. the answer to this. i have your new leading lady. . right here in my pants. it's me, mr. taransky. don't you recognize me? -- the future of film conference in san jose. hank. hank aleno. i was keynote speaker. you must remember my speech. "who needs humans?" -- eight years ago. in that whole time, i never left my computer. good and bad. they think that's what caused this. me eye tumor. microwaves from the screen. it's the size of a grapefruit. heavy too. don't be. it was worth it. you have to see her. not like this -- -- we call them "vactors". -- flesh is weak. you already do. but my actor won't get old, fat, lazy or drunk -- won't throw tantrums, demand a body double, script changes or a bigger trailer. the disney corporation has been using artificial actors for years. it can -- with my new computer code, you and me, we can do it together. that's why you're so perfect. you have something i don't have. an eye -- for performance. you know the truth when you see it. i know. i've seen your movies. i love your movies. "straw god" changed my life. i've seen every frame of your work. you're the only filmmaker in hollywood with the artistic integrity to realize my vision. you and me, art and science. we are the perfect marriage. i won't be here next week. the tumor's inoperable. i'll be dead. call me. this week!