by from valarie. -- why are we here? is that what you're asking, jack?. why are we here? no why. just here. he presses "enter" and a face begins to build -- wire upon wire, pixel upon pixel -- until a completed synthespian emerges -- simone. she is indistinguishable from a flesh-and blood actress. hi. i'll do anything to please you, mr. taransky. i'll do anything to please you, mr. taransky. i certainly am, mr. taransky. why don't you leave me alone with my co-stars, mr. taransky, so we can get to know each other better? hi. who's there? don't be shy. introduce yourselves. is that everyone? well, obviously, as you know. well thank you for your understanding. i know it's an unusual way to work but i just find i relate better to people when they're not actually there. i don't have much to say except that i know it's going to be a great project, if we all just trust mr. taransky's vision. always do what mr. taransky says. if in doubt, do it the taransky way. i know we're going to make a wonderful movie together. -- what you don't understand, clyde, is that love is like a wild flower, but that flower only grows -- -- what you don't understand -- -- what you don't understand, clyde, is that love is like a wild flower, but that flower only grows on the edge. . of a very high cliff. wonderful to be with you, frank. i just think actors talk too much. does the world really want to hear your life story just because you've got a movie opening friday? don't i know it. that's the only reason i'm here now -- to put the attention back where it belongs, on mr. taransky's film. i'm not even sure i deserve it. after tonight i'll have almost as much screen time on your show as i do in my movies. how is that healthy for a performer? because, you have to understand, frank, these interviews -- none of this is real. who i am on screen and who i really am are two totally different people. that's a good question. as nietzsche said, "whenever a man strives long and hard to appear someone else" i'd rather not discuss my private life. but viktor and i are inseparable. i literally wouldn't be here today without him. no, i'm okay. sure. where would you like to start? nudity has just never been an issue for me, frank. for me, clothes are just an option. i suppose the thing i like most about the movies i'm in is that they're not about special effects. i think "eternity forever" is my finest work. i'm most proud of my work in "eternity forever". i think people are going to love "eternity forever". of course, being a movie star is wonderful, but i have so many other ways i want to express myself -- i love you. it's great to be here. good-night. never stop believing. hello, is this elaine? well, here i am. you look pretty today. red suits you. right beside you. i borrowed viktor's car. thank you! thank you! this means so much to me. i'm just sorry i can't be there with you. first off i have to acknowledge my fellow nominees -- i don't even feel i belong in the best actress category let alone with these. wonderful human beings. i also have to thank my co-stars, the studio, of course. but most of all, i have to thank the audience for supporting what i do -- you're the only reason i'm here. and of course i must thank my collaborator, viktor taransky, without whom none of this would be possible. i just think all elementary schools should have a firing range -- so students can learn how to defend themselves. we could fit it inbetween recess and american history. if there's a hole in the ozone layer why can't i see it? immigration?! god, isn't it crowded enough?! frank, you know as well as i do, living in a fish bowl, the insatiable appetite of the media. with everything that was going on in my life, i just needed to drop out of sight for a while -- i needed time. viktor bought me that time. i owe him so much. that's true. i can reveal that i am considering a career in politics. i suppose this little man had something to do with it. viktor and i are both concerned about what kind of world our new son, chip, is going to grow up in. aren't you, viktor?