you ain't got nothin' i ain't seen. from vince. with love. vince -- is she. okay? and if she runs? christy? he only wants to talk to you! christy? come on, christy! there's no place to go! which way? it's a bluff, vince. we're looking for mike. i'm sorry -- i don't know what gets into him. we're the guys from vegas. you had christy last night, but you let her get away. it's upsetting. we didn't tell you what? a nun? a nun! so that guy in the bar was right? she's like. some kind of nun? st, matthew's? thanks. the rehearsal room is right this way. yeah, right to the cops. no way. what? she's gettin' away! we got her. it's spooky. it's like she ain't even afraid or nothing. not. totally. but, vince, how do you know she didn't like, join up and become a nun when she was in that convent? no smart-ass remarks or nothing. yeah. okay, we got one-two-three, and on three we both shoot. got it? one. two. three! you didn't shoot! i figured if you were gonna, then i wouldn't have to. it didn't work, vince. right. for like, twelve zillion eternities? maybe pants. and then we can ice her. no nun, no evil eye. okay, christy -- strip. that. thing. that nun thing. take it off. she's praying. there she goes! she's taking the stairs find vince and tell him what happened. i'll take this side of the room. which one! which one? i can't see anything in here! there! over there! where is she? but, boss -- she's still, you know, a nun.