uh, it's like, you know, doin' it. a whole lot. till your head falls off. we were talking about the wild thing. teen promiscuity. how come? sister? 'cause we love it so damn much. and cause we gotta come here. probation. well, what would you know about it, anyway? what do any of you nunheads know about anything? about doin' the nasty, or gettin' high? well, what about the sex stuff? what if some dude is after you, and he's always saying stuff, commin' on sweet and mellow. like, oh, baby, you know you'll love it. oh, baby, if you loved me, you'd stay. no, but. i don't know. sometimes. what you do? hey, sisters. are you going in there? you dudes looking for nuns? they all went to st. matthew's. praise the lord.