you are something else. what did who say? you are so damn sexy. how did i get so lucky? what is it now, five years we've been together? who do i thank? i want us to be together. like people. honest, decent people. in the eyes of god. babe, today. i went to confession. for the first time in i don't know how long. i wanted everything done right. open and above board. i told father antonelli i was in love. i told him it was a special love, for all the ages. he said that if i got a divorce i'd burn in hell. for all eternity. you want me to go against a priest? get excommunicated? you think i'm nuts? we can still see each other. just like always. it's a different kind of sin. smaller. babe, it's not me! i love you! it's god! you're upset. i understand. i should go. i hate to. i'll call. ernie schmidt. how long you been with us, ernie schmidt? ernie, you know what's important to me? what counts? it's not all this. this is '-- what? frosting. loyalty. that's me, ernie. that's home. you ain't been loyal, ernie. what did you tell the cops? joey? who else, ernie? who else was in on it? why am i wasting my time? do it. babe. christy. is there a problem? with the coat? yes? is that why you came up here, christy? to thank me? and to say you're sorry. about this afternoon. and the things you said. forgotten. completely. do you understand? forgotten. that's my girl. my girl in mink. will you be home? soon? maybe. she did. bring her back. now. for a talk. take care of it. they grilled me for six hours in there. and my hotshot lawyer -- where the hell were you? he's so damn cocky. this is different. you know so much. they've got christy, and we've got to find her. get her 8x10, from in front of the lounge. fax it to every contact we got. keep the message vague, but let 'em know. the price has gone up. christy van cartier -- a quarter of a million. dead or nearby. baby, you know i do. of course. i feel it too. i'm blushing. can you hold? soon, you gorgeous thing. tell me. how lonely? can you hold? can you try? have you found out where christy is yet? hey, bozo, you re on my payroll! you want to try making it on a cop's salary? find her, and find her now! raise the ante to three hundred grand. sorry, baby. you are? totally? not a stitch?. yeah, i'm naked too. inside. what? nuns? you got me in here to see nuns? isn't there a ball game on or something? this is it. get ready to move. no mistakes. grab her, get her to the moonlight. we meet there, and we take care of her. we're on it. give me the address. babe. babe, what happened here? look at you. what, vincent? this is me, doll. i know you. what did you think you were doing? running to the cops. hiding out. no, no. you're sorry now, aren't you? i love you, chris. i always will. i gave you so much. my time. my affection. a big-time career. and how do you repay me? what's the thanks i get? where's the loyalty, huh? where's the love? what do you mean -- judged? i don't get judged, baby. and who are you to talk? you were nothing. you couldn't even sing. i must have been out of my mind. she's afraid. come on, tell the boys you're afraid. who gives a damn? waste her. it's done? what's the problem? are you nuts? she's not a nun. it's christy. she's a babe! it didn't happen. i can't believe this. okay, i want both you guys to go back there, and both of you shoot her at the same time. well? you were both supposed to put your guns to her head and shoot. okay, so the problem is still the nun outfit, right? so, take it off. i'm telling you, she's not a nun! get her out of the nun outfit, and put her in some clothes. get her! the nun! babe. there she is! she's heading for the lounge! go! willy -- hit the lights. find 'em! no -- there! freeze! everybody! joey? joey -- do it. she's a broad! got it! just some broad! i was good to you! you re nothing but no-talent garbage! you're a two-bit tramp!