pro. fun. add. they're my dad's. the lenses hurt my eyes. de profundis clamo ad te domine. it's called latin. it's a language. no, just one. what were they hiding from? nothing bad can happen in a church, right? i forgot your name. you're a doctor. what kind? are you a good doctor? congratulations. you use needles? not even little ones that aren't supposed to hurt? that's good. i'm going to see you again, right? it's okay with me. next time i won't be scared of you. pop tarts. oh. what are you thinking, momma? anything bad about me? got it. that's tommy, momma. i was picked first for kickball teams at recess. i hit a grand slam to win the game and everyone lifted me up on their shoulders and carried me around cheering. he forgot it in a drawer. it doesn't work. we were supposed to draw a picture. anything we wanted. i drew a man. he got hurt in the neck by another man with a screwdriver. everybody got upset. they had a meeting. momma started crying. i don't draw like that anymore. i draw people with smiles, dogs running, and rainbows. they don't have meetings about rainbows. what am i thinking now? i was thinking. you're nice. but you can't help me. you want to ask me a question? that's private jenkins and private kinney. they got killed. private jenkins has a baby girl that was born seven pounds, six ounces. he's never seen her. he wanted to get back to blue bell, pennsylvania and hold her. private kinney's wife is really sick -- she has something called a brain anism. yeah, private kinney needed to get back safe to take care of her. it's sad they died, isn't it? don't look at me. i don't like people looking at me like that. stop looking at me. look over there. i walk this way to school with tommy tammisimo. he hates me. i don't tell her a thing. cause she doesn't look at me like everybody and i don't want her to. i don't want her to know. that i'm a freak. you said the "s" word. is it okay if i do something? i have to do something. hi, mr. marschal. what's wrong? ich habe durst. i just know a couple lines. lemonade, please. mr. marschal gets real lonely. she died a long time ago. thank you. stop looking at me. words. upset words. i don't remember. something i want? instead of something i want, can i have something i don't want? i don't want to be scared anymore. they used to hang people here. they'd pull the people in crying and kissing their families bye. people watching would spit at them. they were the ones who hanged everybody. i don't like people looking at me like that. stop it! you're a stuttering stanley! you talked funny when you went to school here. you talked funny all the way to high school! you shouldn't laugh at people. it makes them feel bad. stop looking at me. stuttering stanley! stuttering stanley! stuttering stanley! stuttering stanley! stuttering stanley! stuttering-- i don't want to talk about anything. that isn't magic. you just kept the penny in that hand the whole time. i didn't know you were funny. promise? then you do the magic shake. and now the penny moves from my pocket all the way to the hand it started in. it's supposed to be funny. don't be sad. nothing. happy birthday, darren. --no. okay. don't! yes. dr. crowe. you haven't told bedtime stories before? you have to add some twists and stuff. maybe they run out of gas. tell me a story about why you're sad. your eyes told me. me too. i want to tell you my secret now. i see people. i see dead people. some of them scare me. no, walking around, like regular people. they can't see each other. some of them don't know they're dead. i see ghosts. they tell me stories. things that happened to them. things that happened to people they know. all the time. they're everywhere. you won't tell anyone my secret, right? will you stay here till i fall asleep? momma? dream about daddy again? did you think the play sucked big time? tommy tammisimo acted in a cough syrup commercial. he thought everybody was self-conscious and unrealistic. he said the play sucked big time. cats? be real still. sometimes you feel it inside. like you're falling down real fast, but you're really just standing still. you ever feel prickly things on the back of your neck? and the tiny hairs on your arm. are they all standing up? when they get mad, it gets cold. please make them leave. you'd cry. cause you miss grandma so much. sometimes people think they lose things and they didn't really lose them. it just gets moved. don't get mad. maybe. no. if you're not very mad. can i sleep in your room tonight? momma, look out! you don't wanna ask me questions today? can i ask you then? what do you want more than anything? i told you what i want. why don't you think about it for a while? how are you going to do that? you want to go home? when? don't fail me. don't give up. you're the only one who can help me. i know it. don't cry. you weren't a paper champion. dr. crowe? you believe me, right? dr. crowe, you believe my secret, right? how can you help me if you don't believe me? some magic's real. you been running around? it makes you feel better? i like to run around. it's good exercise. you want to ask me questions now? you want to be a lance corporal in company m, 3rd battalion, 7th marines? we're being dispatched to the quang nam province. something happened, didn't it? are you wigging out? we're not gonna start crying again, are we? what happened? you really look better. you have nice red in your cheeks now. no. just help. you believe now? you do? what if they don't want help? what if they're just angry and they want to hurt somebody? how do you know for sure? momma, you sleep now. do you want to tell me something? she came a long way to visit me, didn't she? i wish i were somewhere else. don't go home, okay? mister? excuse me, mister. are you kyra's daddy? it's for you. she wanted to tell you something. you liked it, she said. she watched out for you. not anymore. thanks for giving me this part, mr. cunningham. i know. how come we're so quiet? maybe. i'm not going to see you anymore, am i? really? what? maybe we can pretend we're going to see each other tomorrow? just for pretend. see you tomorrow. i'm ready to communicate with you now. tell you my secrets. you know that accident up there? someone got hurt. a lady. she died. yes. standing next to my window. they scare me too sometimes. dead people. ghosts. they want me to do things for them. what are you thinking, momma? you think i'm a freak? got it. grandma says hi. she says she's sorry for taking the bumble bee pendant. she just likes it a lot. grandma comes to visit me sometimes. i know. she wanted me to tell you-- she wanted me to tell you, she saw you dance. she said when you were little, you and her had a fight right before your dance recital. you thought she didn't come to see you dance. she did. she hid in the back so you wouldn't see. she said you were like an angel. she said, you came to her where they buried her. asked her a question. she said the answer is "everyday." what did you ask?