can anyone guess what city was the capital of the united states of america from 1790 to 1800? i'll give you a hint, it's the city you live in. right. philadelphia is one of the oldest cities in the country. a lot of generations have lived and died in this city. almost every place you visit has a history and a story behind it. even this school and the grounds they sit on. can anyone guess what this building was used for a hundred years ago, before you went here, before i went to this school even? yes, cole? that's not correct. where'd you hear that? cole, this was a legal courthouse. laws were passed here. some of the first laws of this country. this building was full of lawyers. lawmakers. i don't know which one of these guys told you that, but they were just trying to scare you, i think. like what? i don't know how else to look-- excuse me? what-- how did you--? who have you been s-speaking to? who! s-ssstop that! s-ssssstop it! --shhhhhhut upppp you fffffffreak! they're calling for the stable boy. who were you talking to? you're welcome, cole. you know when i was in school, there was a terrible fire in this section of the theater. they rebuilt the whole thing.