can i help you, sir? this is not a time for frivolity, katrina, is it? am i mistaken? that will be all, ladies. we are joined by doctor thomas lancaster, constable. and to his left are, clergyman steenwyck and our able magistrate, samuel philipse, both keeping order in their own ways. i myself am in charge of financial matters and the regulation of currency in our commonwealth. and, lastly, this fine fellow is james hardenbrook, our notary. you have not been well informed of our troubles, sir. if you would. the horseman. he was a hessian mercenary, sent to our shores by german princes to help keep americans under the thumb of england. however, unlike his compatriots who came as muscle in trade for currency, he came willingly. for love of carnage. but, only recently has the headless hessian been seen prowling the hollow, in search of a head to suit his shoulders. many have. constable, where are you going!? come back, sir. madness. was this jonathan's? must have been the redman. a lenape indian lives in the western woods. hail, constable. how are you? if you gentlemen will excuse the doctor and i. we have financial matters to discuss. constable. did you notice anything out of the ordinary during the night? sarah has gone missing. my servant girl. her things are gone. damn it. she has joined the migration out of town. what about breakfast, woman? or, am i to starve to death? constable, it is urgent that we speak. clergyman steenwyck is calling a meeting. this time he is determined to have you forced out, or worse. he came to me. he promised great violence. said i should cast you out for my own protection. i must speak honestly. there is no reason to think he will not meet with success. that is the meeting bell already calling. with the murder of killian and brom, no one sees any good from you. if. if you were to leave. you might be saving your own life. hurry along. the meeting has most certainly already begun. we do not want steenwyck as our enemy. the horseman is coming! save me. he killed her. the horseman has killed her. steenwyck! damn you, steenwyck! help me! let me in! no! get away from me! the next person to lay hands on me will have a bullet. stand off! no! we're safe here. you said it. the horseman will not have me.