be a sport and stop complaining. certainly not. we haven't heard your name yet, friend. you need some manners. yes. seems he panicked across here and broke two legs. there's only one lenape. he eats small animals and lost children. and the occasional constable when he can get it. what the hell are you doing? never. a shoe that size i would have remembered. the men who did this have been taken. we do not need you here. they spend two days in chains. looks like an indian. let them go are you going to beat an orphaned child, imbecile? only for the moment. no. i agree he has only made matters worse. but, that will change, if you listen. theodore, glenn and i offer to ride each day and night to watch over the hollow. we will stalk the border of the western woods and haunt the horseman for a change, with rifles like this. and slugs like this. hollowed out and filled with powder. constable crane is not the only one who fights with science on his side. you must have missed your mark. i say. if the horseman is solid enough to take the lives of our people, he's solid enough to feel this. we cannot win this. there. go to the front and guide it. let's see him catch us now. we'll pass right by the son of a bitch. my christ.