burn it. he drowned. anyone could see. he will be burned pursuant to statutes of health. must we again hear these heretical rantings? have they nothing to fear presently? and, with disrespect, constable, if jails and courts overflow, it is testimony to success, not failure. very few, if any. for one who calls himself a federalist, your mouth reeks of republican liberalism. there is a farming community upstate, constable. ten days journey north in the hudson highlands. it is named sleepy hollow. within a fortnight, three persons have been murdered there. each with their head lopped cleanly off. the elders of the hollow have sent dispatches to me, requesting assistance, and now, just this very moment, i have chosen you. these "methods" of yours. there has been no practical application. just so. granted. and so you take your experimentations to sleepy hollow and catch the murderer who has tainted the place. bring him here to face our good justice. will you do this for me? excellent. then, you are excused till morning. oh, and, constable. do make certain that you meet with success. otherwise. perhaps you should not come back at all.