forgive me, i didn't know. brom! they're only children, father. did they tell? it is something in the air so that dreams come to everyone. according to the elders, an indian prophet held powwows here before the land was taken, and spells cast then still linger to this day. you are horribly old-fashioned, aren't you? well, i intended to apologize for the behavior of my friend brom van brunt, but it seems i've made matters worse. i'll leave you to your business. other people? it might have been more. might have been positively grand talk. is it me, or are you this nervous around all women? my suitor? he has proposed to me twice. i've read a great deal about your new york city. do be a dear and tell me all about it. sounds like an extraordinary place to live a life. not all think it is the horseman. many say witches come from the western woods to steal skulls for their cauldrons. some believe a person in this very town kneels before lucifer, offering death as tribute. and, still others believe none of it. to call a person superstitious is to imply they fear magic, but not all magic is black. really? then. what is your rebuttal to those romantic poets claiming proof of magic in a rose at full bloom, or even in a teardrop? you are funny. you do not disturb me. please stay. having trouble sleeping? you pay great attention to small things. i hide these as i hide all my books. father would not approve, lest it were the bible. these are strange. may i? these scars. how did you get them? it would be interesting to find out. yes, he does. may i try? you made this, and the drawings? don't you see why? look closely a moment. put your intellect aside. can't you see what is inexplicable? oh, you are hopeless. may i keep it at least? then, i also have a gift for you. true magic which even you will not be able to deny. i insist that you have it. that would be a pity. those words might show you something you've never seen before. are you hungry? you promised justice. people have put their trust in you. won't they still have that justice? or, was it a vain promise? i need to speak with you. alone. why would you do such a thing? i have misjudged you i think. i did not imagine you were so cruel. what are you on about? must i hear this? and this gives worth to butchery? what is it then? scientific method? how can any of this matter in the slightest? take a lesson from young masbath's desires, ichabod crane. he follows with you to avenge his father's death. that i understand. but, what do you want? but, why? tell me why. you falter with your answer because you strive without putting the whole of your heart into it. can't you see? you'll bring dignity to the dead even if you have to chop them into little pieces to do it. stop this! leave them alone! constable crane? what troubles you? the things i said to you before. i was wrong to say them. what has happened? what? no, but. why do you ask that? she died. her lungs were diseased. two years ago. what is this about? if you want me to go, i will. do you want me to leave? why are you so afraid of that? is there truly such harm in uncertainty? it is only me. i apologize if i worried you. but, i am not alone, am i? i only wished to see what you were up to, and. to thank you. what did you say? what are you doing? my god. what has happened? masbath, we've found it. the skull is gone. lay still, ichabod. do not move. i'm drawing bad blood from the wound. what is so urgent? why have i not seen your face for so long? you look much better. i have been reading your journal. i'm sorry. i found it too fascinating to resist. i rode to catch up with you at the notary, out of curiosity. before i found you though, i overheard what you were said. when. when you spoke father's name along with accusations, i could not believe it. i had to hide these. at least till i could confront him myself. he did not do these things. if you knew him, you would realize. i have not been able to face him yet. yes, i have seen that, and i told you why i hid them. if you think i am behind this, say it. call me a liar, then, and a murderess. say it, out and out. speak the words, constable. what is stopping you? what has happened to your ability to transcend sentimentality? oh, no. no. please. don't dare stand looking as if you still care for me, after all that you have said. if i were to confess, would that ease your suffering? would that make it easier for you to hate me?! father? father! father! no! father. you. you are alive. father saw you die. no one will believe your lies, whore. murderer! ichabod! ichabod! where are we going? masbath. ! ichabod! the church. what was that? ichabod. quickly, close it. i. i can't do this.