no, father. wait. he's already been up once. why does he go again? then. i go with you. whatever. you still need a second to tend to your things. i deserve to help you. don't you see how much this means? my father. he. he was a good man. i did not ask you to, did i? i'm sure i don't know. um. excuse me, sirs. sirs. please! constable crane. something has happened. how could he? where are we going? it's payment day. loan monies are given to baltus the last day each month. almost everyone borrows. for tools or to hire workers. the western woods. smoke. chimney smoke. what kind of nuts? it's spectacular. no, i couldn't. thank you. father said witches live there. listen. no crickets or cicadas calling. no bird songs. were you a friend to the indian? you should have this. if you were his friend. what happened? follow the indian trail to where the sun dies. to the tree of the dead. maybe we passed it by. should we go back? what does it mean. climb down to the horseman's soulless place? if the crone's wound bled hard, that means she was not killed by the hessian. someone only tried to make it look that way. well. i'm one of the few people who likes you. then, who murdered the old crone? and why? you were right. it does draw attention to itself. what is it? we should go. constable! someone left last night. looked like they headed to the square, but i lost them in the forest. all i saw was their lantern. if someone has the horseman's skull. if they control the horseman, then why haven't they sent him for your head yet? i'll get it. who did this? what good is this? my father had farm land. it was the only thing we owned of any value. yes. but, if the farm is not mine, who stole it away? in test. what? what does it mean? baltus van tassel. yes. i rode with him on payment days. there is no masbath here. my father's loan papers are missing. i was getting worried. who was it? what was she doing? no. they are all missing. there is more, though. while you were gone, i could hear someone else walking through the house. here. there are no other doors. this is as far as she could have gone. what books? but, sir. what books? where are they? if there is a secret place for books. it could be just as good for the missing loan agreements. constable. fie! here they are. what now? where is she? she's the one who controlled the horseman, isn't she, sir? sir? won't you change your mind, sir? what can i say to convince you? why. why are you like this? take me with you. there's nothing left for me here. do not go, constable. how can you leave? hello? katrina? katrina. is anyone here? she commands the horseman. then, whose body was it. ? here we are! lady van tassel. here he comes! what can we do? what now? it won't hold. look out! jump? jump where? tired.