a mercury is a good car and that's what i was driving that day. i've owned a lot of cars. different kinds. lots of different kinds of cars. she was standing, this girl, on the side of the street where there was a chicken stand; not the colonel, mind you, but nevertheless a chicken stand, and i pulled the mercury over and rolled down the window by electric power. she was wearing a leather skirt and she had a lot of hair on her arms. i like that. i like it a lot. it means a big bush. i like a big bush. she said, "are you dating?" i said, "yes," and she got in the car. we pulled to a remote location, one that she and i both felt comfortable with and she said, "how much can you spend?" i said, "what it takes to see your bush. i know it's a big one." she said "twenty five dollars," which to a working man is not chicken feed. i produced the money and she put it in her shoe and pulled up her skirt. there before me lay a thin, crooked, uncircumcised penis. you can imagine how badly i wanted my twenty-five dollars back. there was a young man named john liggit hunter who was in the filling station business and a good filling station business. he was one of those young men that we run across so often in life. i'm sure you've run across them, that didn't deserve the things he had. one of those things was his beautiful bride, sarah. she was a georgia peach. as a matter of fact she looked more like the picture i've had in my head than any woman i've ever seen. i took it upon myself to take her away from john liggit hunter, who didn't deserve her. i'm not sure if i mentioned that he was a frenchman who claimed to be an englishman. it took some very strong nylon cord to take her away from him. she was a fighter as well as a georgia peach. a shovel just makes too goddamn much racket. you have to make something explode to truly understand it. you have to examine the tiny particles while they're on fire. on the third day i washed her. she wasn't very clean. i got all the right spots. she was the first one i ever kept for any length of time, you see i get bored easily, i have a short attention span. i can't say she enjoyed her stay, although the washcloth in her mouth held in place by good duct tape kept any complaints to a minimum. i don't really like people who talk a lot. i like to do the talking. i guess that's why i'm so fond of you. you're so easygoing, although i do sense a little tension in you sometimes. by the way, how was it out there? did you have any fun? make any new acquaintances? tell me what it was like. i bet you did. i was never bent that way. i'm bent the other way. so, you liked it out there in the world. well, it's not too big in here, is it? i feel very generous today. i feel like listening. i'm sure you have plenty to tell me. and please bore me with the details. ) come on karl, who did you kill? was it the boy?