anyhow i'm not sure if you follow me on those particular points, but it's not really important in the smaller picture, which is where most people dwell anyway. not that being manager of ben's dollar store is insignificant. or that making it through years of incarceration in a state supported facility is any small feat. holidays are for campers. anything that has to be discussed can't mean anything. exactly the point, my young levelheaded friend. i rest my case. not unlike gary brooker of the protocol harum. our latest composition is as follows: entitled: "the thrill" -- "i stand on the hill not for a thrill but for a breath of a fresh kill never mind the man who contemplates doing away with license plates he stands alone anyway baking the cookies of discontent by the heat of a laundrymat vent leaving his soul" "leaving his soul parting waters under the medulla oblongata of mankind." the dots are where i say they are. melody and tune. that's your trade. you're a tunesmith terence. the dots just look good on paper. you don't sing 'em anyway. you're showing your true aries colors now.