your uncle barry left her for a stripper up in winnsboro. right. come on now, honey, door's this way. she's just scared, margaret. she ain't a bull, trevor! get back. it's okay, sweetheart. nobody's gonna hurt you. that's right. just gonna pull this cord out. it's gonna be all right. hell, she took a phone. now them forest critters are gonna be calling us all hours of the night. that's the mystery of the ages there, trev. starla was seventeen when they got engaged. he was, like, in his thirties. no one even knew they were goin' out till she had that ring on her finger. hell, you don't know that, margaret. you're right, jack. margaret, you're fired. don't worry. the lurker ain't around. i checked. sorry. tryin' to get a buzz on. but i'm too buff. too much muscle mass. what you up to? pretty, ain't they? well that's only if you're in the wrong spot. there's a place over there on the bluffs. when the fog is just right, like tonight, the lights of main look like a kaleidoscope. mm hm. but only a few folks know how to get there. wally. rollo linkski coulda taken you, but 'course he got hit by that train. me. oh, will you now? hey, grant. hey, wally. glad you're here. there was something i wanted to tell you. oh yeah. fuck you, fat ass. starla, you know brenda gutierrez? maybe she's ever called the house, or -- ? she disappeared friday night. we got reason to believe foul play might be involved. the problem, starla, is, the last person anyone saw her talking to was grant. the deer cheer. and wally and me, we also saw him that night, with mud all over his slacks. have him call me right away, okay? starla?!! starla, are you in there?! starla?! starla. i talked to the cdc. they didn't have nothin' on file consistent with grant's. symptoms. new? no. we're hoping we find grant, he'll lead us to her. you all right? shit. 'mornin', jack. hell, jack, your leisure activities ain't my business. don't worry, we'll find him. anything new? dude's a half-squid. ain't many places he can hide. sea world, maybe. sherry, you gonna create a hysteria? what? and that makes you look like a squid? rorschach. i see we're fucked. three ranches in three days. he's gotta be in the forest. all three ranches run alongside it. wally, come on. trevor and margaret, get some folks together. i think i know where he's gonna hit next. so the night after grant ran off, a calf went missing from here, the raglans' ranch. two nights ago, a mare was stolen from this property, run by fitzgibbon, that old rancher with the cleft palate. your momma wasn't too proud when you came out neither, wally. and then we get here, the castavets', where last night's shit-storm took place. and if he sticks to that pattern he'll be here next. belongs to a family, the strutemyers'. now i know y'all are tired and you've barely seen your families. but we're gonna have to go there tonight, lie low and wait. just remember, we don't know what we're up against here. so let's be careful. can't hurt. why? listen, it doesn't matter. i gotta go. he tried to kill you, starla. starla, it ain't -- hey, starla, remember that time when you were a kid and you came knocking on my window in the middle of the night? starla here's twelve. guess i was fourteen. i said, 'starla, what the hell you doing out there?' she tells me she's running away to hollywood to become a big star. she said she knew i was in rotc, and she was gonna need a bodyguard. invited me along. i said, 'starla, if there's anybody can take care of herself, i think it's you. i'm gonna have to decline.' yeah, maybe i did. starla, where you? fire! fire! starla, get the hell out of here! oh. brenda, um. boys are fine, brenda. uh, what's -- what's happening here, exactly? i think we best get you to a hospital right quick. he led us here. margaret, cover your mouth! don't let 'em in your mouths! 11-41. we're gonna need paramedics out here right away. we got four men down. shelby, you there? shelby, this is bill. we got an emergency here. goddammit. shelby? no reception out here. no. i'll go. the three of you, you wait here. get these folks, out of the barn. the stench and rot can't be any good for 'em. hey! what's -- ? what's going on here? what happened to you, dwight? okay. y'all just wait in this spot. i'm gonna call the paramedics for you. kylie can come with -- come on. shit. ammo's in the trunk. trevor! margaret! where are you?! my friends are still in the forest. we need their weight. dumbshits. come on! shelby? shelby, you there? listen, you got any reports of. i don't know what you call 'em. they look like big slugs, only fast. shelby -- shelby, shut up. keep an eye out for these things. if you see 'em, keep your mouth covered. otherwise they'll go straight down it. all right? are you nodding? i can't hear when you're nodding. we'll be there in ten minutes. kylie, honey. please. a lot of bad things have happened to you today, we know. but we need your help to find out what's going on. the worm? who? who? a martian is from mars, trevor. so the way to stop this thing is to stop grant? shit. shelby, we broke down on 22, a mile outside town. come pick us up. do it. hey, starla. was always curious why you. married grant in the first place. just never seemed outta love. well, big ol' lincoln, sure. guess i would have flirted with him too. when you wanted to run away, i called your dad. i'm sorry. hell, starla. i always regretted that. fuck me. shelby! shelby! shelby! we need people out here at cosgrove and mccammon right away! come on. just block the doors, any way you can. what are you doing?! what? no, starla! no! nooo! hey. starla, over here. yeah. good. there you go. i'll get it for you. ibuprofen or aspirin? we'll just head up here into bishopville, get checked up in the hospital. then maybe we'll head off to hollywood after all, huh? please, starla. i'm gonna do my best not to hurt anybody -- it's my nature.