when darwin said 'fittest,' he didn't necessarily mean the strongest or the most intelligent, or any one trait -- he merely meant those organisms most well-suited to their environment. we humans think we're more fit, more evolved, because we're smarter. but we're neophytes. we've been around two million years, give or take. the cockroach has been here for 350 million. you tell me who's the more successful species. will. we'll tackle that tomorrow. everyone bring your boxing gloves. he's teaching environmental science, grant. probably wants to borrow my lesson plans from last semester. it's just a work thing. just a second. grant, no -- i'm sorry, i'm just -- i'm not in the mood. i'm sorry. i don't just have some switch. that's disrespectful. where are you going? that's not true -- where are you-? haven't heard this for a while. i never danced in a towel before. grant, what's that? oh, nothin'. just, grant and i had a nice morning. it's been a while. janene. hush. he was. considerate. maybe this is the start of a real change in grant. grant? why are there -- did you put locks on the garage? you drilled into the driveway. my present? okay. all right. i have to clean up before dinner. what? roscoe's gone? i'm sure he'll show up, tim. grant, are you almost ready? what are you doing? it's just one of my students, grant. janene! he's been strange the past couple days. hey, bill! that's not funny. whatcha' doin'? just checking out the lights. i don't know. i've seen them so many times before. i guess any spot gets boring after awhile. oh, yeah? i'll get wally to show me sometime then. grant, where'd you go? bye. grant? damn fuse. grant? grant, where are y -- ? grant. oh my god. what happened to your -- ? i'll get if for you. no. he went to the pharmacy. he's got a. rash. no. what? bill, it's starla! it's -- i think you better come over right away -- i think grant's sick, he -- grant, no! grant, you're sick! noooo! how about brenda? yeah. bill, i heard what you're doing. i think i should go along. wait! dammit, bill, if that girl's still out there, how will you find her? how, unless you bring grant in alive? your best chance of doing that is with me. i can talk to him -- he did. i know. but i got him angry 'cause i wasn't calm. this time i could -- please, bill. what happened, it's my fault, i know it. it is. he'd been acting strange. and the physical changes. i should have told someone right away. but i was just blind. i wanted to pretend it wasn't happening. if i don't do what i can to help now, i just couldn't live with it. about the bus stop. ranger rick here called my dad. you fucked up our fame and fortune, bill pardy. grant? grant? grant? it's okay. you're just sick is all. but we'll take you to get help right now. i'll stay by your side, grant, just like i swore i would. for better or worse. remember? okay? okay, grant? it's gonna be all right. bill! bill, i'll run out to your car, call for paramedics from there. i'll keep my mouth covered. be careful, bill. what? let him go! trevor, come on. what'd you do to her?! why are you talking like grant?! don't come any closer. i'll. shoot. she's right. we saw one -- one came out of wally's head. kylie, how do you -- kylie, how do you know that? what other stuff? through a wound on his stomach? and you said the worms are part of him. they're all linked, like one creature? an animal that doesn't procreate. it spreads, grows. a living disease. i know what people say, bill. i. remember, back in high school i worked at my father's gas station? grant used to get filled up every day. i knew it was just to see me. he was too old -- but he was handsome. and he had that big ol' lincoln then. i flirted with him. my father, he was -- he was real close to evil. people didn't know. still don't. from the time i was a toddler he'd beat the hell out of me. i don't mean just like a smack for smart-mouthing. he took a real enjoyment in it. and when i turned eleven or twelve, things. well, they got worse. that wasn't a good night, no. anyway, grant rolls in one day. i fill his tank with like an eighth- a-gallon as usual. and he notices my lip's all swollen up, and starts asking me how it happened. i don't know why i chose then, why grant -- i guess i saw an opportunity. and i told him everything, first time i told anyone. grant was furious. he picked up a tire iron, walked straightaway into the garage, and beat my father half to death. you say it's not about love, bill. but that was the closest thing to it i ever knew. grant asked me to marry him a few weeks later. i felt. safe with him. after all this shit tonight, i know for sure now you regret not running off with me to hollywood! what's that? get in! this is stupid. we can't make it. just get away, when you get the chance. he wants me, bill! i'm going to get him to take me to him! see if you can follow me, and kill him! grant. please. i'm sorry. i know i haven't behaved how you -- how you want. i know. don't. hurt. me. we need. to. talk. not here, though, okay? not all of you. i'm not used to -- i want to talk to your face, grant. your more real face. your -- grant? grant? we should talk. grant? hey, grant. you did some real interesting decorating here. hey. look, the sun's starting to come up. sorry. i didn't -- i didn't know you wanted it dark. you like these memories, huh, grant? you like being called grant, don't you? i think you do. you really do. you like being grant. like when we danced. and when you. made love to me here on the bed. remember that? i know you've been alone, grant. almost forever. from here to there to there to here, there's never been another one for you. grant. grant, i could help you. be with you the way you want. see, i want to live. i've never had much use for this world, not really. you and i, together, we -- you don't trust me, i know. that's why i brought you someone, grant. it's bill. he's in the house next door. just look. see? i brought him here for you! as an offering! to prove i love you more than him! now, bill!! kill the motherfucker!! hey. we can probably get some first aid and food at this gas station up here. shit. i- i forgot. i wanted to get aspirin. aspirin. okay. you took bill. and this is mine.