has he confessed, yet?
you've been here all bloody night, srinivas. what have you been doing?
a little electricity will loosen his tongue.
every night i get home, "why can't we have a. c like bajan chacha?
why don't you care about your poor family, dying in this heat." twenty-four years a policeman and i can't afford bloody a. c.
but you. you've got ten million rupees ek dum guaranteed, yaar? and who knows how much further? fancy the twenty million, do you?
i think you probably do.
so. were you wired up? a mobile or a pager, correct? some little hidden gadget? no? a coughing accomplice in the audience? microchip under the skin, huh?
srinivas! look, it's hot, my wife is giving me hell, i've got a desk full of murderers, rapists, extortionists, assorted bum-bandits. and you. why don't you save us both a lot of time? hmm?
ar wa, srinivas, we'll have amnesty international in here next, peeing their pants about human rights. get him down, tidy him up, for god's sake.
have you gone soft, srinivas? professors, lawyers, doctors, general knowledge wallahs never get beyond sixteen thousand rupees. and he's on ten million? what the hell can a slum dog possibly know?
nearly, sir.
clearly, sir.
indeed, sir. the proof. that is all we need.
so, mister malik, the man who knows the answers. talk.
so, jamal. my five-year-old daughter knows the answer to that, but you don't. strange for a millionaire genius. what happened? your accomplice nip out for a piss, did he? or did he just not cough loud enough?
you know who that was?
i'll give you five hundred rupees if you just admit it. you go home, i go home. everybody happy.
no, you want to go back on the programme and win twenty million rupees, don't you?
and did she come back?
pretty was she?
guess not.
that's the chutiy out the way. now, man to man. how did you know all the answers?
and what happened to the girl? they blinded her too?
who's on the thousand rupee note?
it's gandhi!
don't get clever or i'll get the electricity out again.
funny, you don't seem that interested in money.
enlighten us constable.
only the finest minds in the mumbai police force.
go check the files, constable.
you puzzle me, slumdog. admitting murder to avoid a charge of fraud is not exactly clever thinking. now, why would you do that?
not that incredible. you'd just murdered somebody with a colt 45, after all.
let's call it manslaughter, then, shall we?
it is all bizarrely plausible. and yet.
most of you are.
but you: you're not a liar, mister malik, that is for sure. you are too truthful.
thank you, constable. all that remains is to work out whether it was manslaughter or murder. ten years, or life.
i- progress is being made sir.
no, sir.
whilst i'm not convinced he actually cheated, i have got-
a liar.
indeed, sir.
yes, sir.
not a word, srinivas.
that's why he's on the show.
just one more thing left, sir.
if you'd like to come with me.
thought you might need a lift, sir.