yes. jamal malik. xl 5. mobile phones. no, actually, i'm an assistant. i- i get tea for people and- the answers. i know the answers. shit. mummy-ji. yes. no. yes. no. no! wait! salim, sala! salim! wait! amitabh. amitabh-ji! amitabh-ji! please. amitabh-ji. a thousand thanks, amitabh-ji. amitabh, amitabh, oh amitabh! i have your autograph, oh, holy amitabh! sala! sala! you don't have to be a genius. like i said. he's the most famous man in india! yes. ask the audience. how much is bhelpuri at jeevan's stall on chowpatty beach? one bhelpuri. how much? wrong. fifteen since divali. who stole constable varma's bicycle outside dadar station last thursday? everyone in juhu knows that. even five year-olds. wouldn't you? no. salim! mister nandha. mister nandha? let's go, bhai. we should go back. see if ama- what about jeevan chacha? maybe he- but he wouldn't hurt- but- what shall we do? not if we let her in. she could be the third musketeer. where's your mother? father? i'm jamal. he's salim. i wake up every morning wishing i didn't know the answer to that question? if it wasn't for ram and allah, i would still have a mother. d) a bow and arrow. final answer. you're from the juhu slum, aren't you? my mother's dead. i don't have a girl-friend. yes. i don't have a bank account. but i'll take cash. - i'll play. why not? latika! latika! latika! latika! yes. final answer. chhatrapati shivaji terminus. i wouldn't be here if she had. the most beautiful woman in the world. if i knew, i'd tell you. no. i know this one. four, nine, zero, nine- the one with the stick going down, salim- six- stick going up- six, one, shit, let's go- it's okay, salim. he must be a very good man to look after these people. hey, salim! she doesn't want it. weddings, government things, big parties. if maman says my voice is ready. big money. easily. maybe an apartment. that's what arvind said. on harbour road. you, me and salim. the three musketeers. every day if we want. it's my turn. so, this is it, hey, bhai? the good life, here we come. porthos? really? fifty rupees. i've turned professional. what can i do? run! come on! faster! take it! take it! i can't reach. got to go back. we've got to go back. surdas. yes. blind singers earn double. you know that. they had other plans. though it took me a long, long time to find out. where you going? salim? is this heaven? so what's that? some hotel, huh? err- no, i- but of course, madam. please follow me. this is. the taj mahal. the taj mahal was built by the emperor khurram for his wife mumtaz who was maximum beautiful woman in the whole world. when she died, the emperor decided to build this five star hotel for everyone who wanted to visit her tomb. but he died in- in fifteen eighty-seven, before any of the rooms were built. or the lifts. the swimming pool, however, as you can see was completed on schedule in top class fashion. with respect, madam, the guide book is written by a bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing, indian beggars. and this, lady and gentleman, is burial place of mumtaz. a road traffic accident. maximum pile-up. exactly, sir. she was on the way to the hospital when it happened. this is the princess diana seat, madam. allow me. top-class fashion, bottom-class prices! shoes for all! shoes for all! this is the biggest dhobi ghat in the whole of india, mister david. they say that every man in uttar pradesh is wearing a kurta that has been washed here at least one time. i don't know! i didn't do it, did i? nothing to do with me. get off! you wanted to see the `real india', mister david. here it is. you can't do that. can you? does he find her? we have to go, salim. bombay. we should have gone a long time ago. latika was one of us. a musketeer. i've got cash. dollars. enough. i'm getting my stuff. yes. the minimum tip for my services. it's c. benjamin franklin. i think i just have. haven't i? right. c. i've never heard of roosevelt franklin. i don't know. i've heard of him. they didn't ask me that question. i don't know why. ask them. room service, good afternoon?. yes, sir. two chicken burgers, two fries, one cocoa-cola and one mango lassi and a large bottle of mineral water. bisleri or himalayan spring, sir?. certainly, sir. that will be with you in fifteen minutes, sir. thank you. have a nice day. two chicken burgers, coke, mango lassi and a bottle of bisleri. i'm going to chowpatti again, okay? want to come? we came back to find her. i'm going to chowpatti. how do you know? here. one hundred. no. i swear. a building. with a clock on it. trees behind it. a man- it doesn't say his name. he is sort of bald, but has long hair on the sides. i am so sorry, arvind. arvind, i am looking for- i don't know. i haven't sung since- since then. arvind, i- my eyes? my eyes are fine. i owe latika. please. is she alive? arvind, is she alive? thank you. just two minutes to talk to her. come. quick. come with us. you just killed somebody. where did you get the gun? - shut up, can't you? just shut up. happy? service! we want a room, boy. executive class with smoking. third floor with balcony. latika? salim? 307 here. i want a bottle of johnny walker red label, beer, wine- ah! chicken. what kind of chicken? hold the line, chutiye. pop tarts? exactly! a bucket of pop tarts, chutiye. found some lunghi! atcha, atcha. i'm not! where's salim? i don't care. that dance you were doing. in pila street. show me. of course. salim? no. salim. bhai, you've had a lot to drink. no. salim, no, no! salim. when somebody asks me a question, i tell them the answer. where are they? where did they go? please, sir. which way? oh. well. she did come back, then she went away when alfie split up with her and now she's back again. but it looks as if alfie still fancies mo after all, so- rajneesh. - `friends and family'. i know. two minutes. you have to dial when prem says "if". "if you want the chance to be a contestant on who wants to be a millionaire" that's when they open the lines. that's what anjum in technical says. he put the system in. hello, mrs. mackintosh from king gussie. kinoosie? - just down the road from your house, mrs mackintosh. next to the loch. loch big- loch ben. next door to detective taggart's flat. indeed yes, mrs mackintosh. i have to wade through a metre of water every morning. yes, yes, mrs mackintosh. in my kilt. it's alright once i've had my porridge, my haggis and a few scotch whiskies- and the monsoon's nearly over, so- i don't think that's a good idea. he is a very important man, mrs mackintosh- - and he doesn't like bloody time wasters. salim? i am calling from xl 5 communications sir. as a valued customer, we are offering you a free upgrade with our `friends and- family. hello, salim. no. no. and i've never been to uk before. but i'll still have a go. why not? i can't remember. i don't think it's oxford. well, oxford has broad street, saint aldates, turl street, queen street, the high and magdalene bridge- which is pronounced maudlin, so- oh, i haven't. and it's not leeds, because that's elland road, kirkgate market, commercial street, st peter's- well, i don't think it's cambridge. too obvious. there's definitely an oxford circus in london, and there's a rowing race between oxford and cambridge so there's probably a cambridge circus too. i'll go for d) london. if the gods are with me. final answer. d. a). samuel colt. final answer. it was self-defence. are you nervous? oh. yes. sorry. none. i'll play. liar. there was no message at reception. i will never forgive you. javed mehta? the gangster from our slum? you work for him? what do you do for him? what for? salim, where's latika? baba, i am the new cook from the agency. a thousand apologies, i am late for the memsaab. baba, i am your dishwasher! you've hurt your eye. to see you. why does everyone love this programme? you have another life. a rich one. are you happy? you don't look so happy with a black eye. javed? you are with him? immediately, sir. come away with me. love. it won't buy you a new dishwasher, but it might make you happy. you and me. that is the real world. come away with me. salim will help us. where? anything. i'll wait at vt station. five o'clock every day until you come. i love you. you know what i want. she is my destiny, salim. me, i don't care. latika? she's already half dead. you sold her. i- i need to- latika! latika! latika! latika! latika! latika! latika! salim! i know it isn't sachin tendulkar. i'll use a life-line. fifty- fifty. d. jack hobbs. or d. jack hobbs. final answer. d. not really, but. maybe it is written, no? latika! where? where is she? where? where are you? where is she? salim! because i am a slum dog, chi- wallah, i am a liar, right? who knows? yes. i can read. would you believe it? i don't. no. i'll play. i'd like to phone a friend. my brother's number, but- it's the only number i know. is that really you? in alexandre dumas' book, the three musketeers, two of the musketeers are called athos and porthos. what was the name of the third musketeer. was it a) aramis, b) cardinal richelieu, c) d'artagnan, d) planchet. where are you? just. because. yes. final answer. a. aramis. latika? latika? truth alone triumphs? i should have known better. latika? i knew you'd be watching. this is our destiny. this is our destiny.