you killed him? my enemy's enemy is my friend, no? so, come in, friend. first you want a dishwasher, now a bloody cook- - chup. the cricket's on. why do you always watch that shit? huh? i'm already a millionaire. well, come on then, cook. i'm hungry. get me a sandwich. atcha. yeah. he's on eighty-five. i want four lakh on him making a century. what are you giving?. okay, make it five lakh. straight bat, straight bat, dammit. no! a single! no, no, no! stupid ben chod idiot. and what is this shit supposed to be, mader chod? get out. get out! latika, where's my bloody shirt? the armani. what about my bloody whisky, woman? hey, salim. what the bloody-? latika! salim!