are you ready? i said are you ready? welcome to who wants to be a millionaire! please give a warm welcome to our first contestant of the night- a local from our very own mumbai! smile, dammit. so, jamal, tell us a bit about yourself. a phone-basher! and what type of call centre would this be? aha! so, you're the man who rings me up every single day of my life with special offers, huh? an assistant phone-basher? and what does an assistant phone- basher do, exactly? - a chi-wallah! why didn't you say? so, ladies and gentlemen, jamal malik from mumbai, let's play who wants to be a millionaire! not at all, not at all. i hope you will visit us, commissioner. bring the family. it's a lot of fun. inspector. how good to meet you. clearly the kid cheated. so, it is just a question of how, no? we are lucky to have a man of your obvious experience on the case. this kid might run rings around us filmi types, but he won't make fools out of the mumbai police force, i can see that. in front of sixty million people. which is what will happen if we don't get a result, gentlemen. he goes back on the show to rob us all with the whole of india watching. but. i can rely on you. has he- has he made any allegations? he's a cunning one. a convincing liar. don't be taken in, inspector, don't be taken in. so, are you ready for your first question for one thousand rupees? not bad money to sit in a chair and answer a question. better than making the tea, no? no. yes. no. apka final answer? remember, you have three lifelines if you're not sure of your answer- ask the audience, 50. 50 and phone a friend. so, the question: who was the star of the 1973 hit film zanjeer. was it a- a) the truth alone triumphs. b) lies alone triumph. c) fashion alone triumphs. d) money alone triumphs. what do we think, jamal? the most famous phrase in our country's history. maybe you want to phone a friend? or ask the audience? i have a hunch they might just know the answer. what do we think? yes? well, you're the contestant, jamal. put the poor man out of his misery, ladies and gentlemen. press your key-pad now. the audience has chosen. and, whaddya know? ninety-nine percent of them think the answer is a). the truth alone triumphs. what do we think, jamal? a hundred percent would have made me a little more reassured, maybe. are you married, jamal? well, don't despair, there's someone out there who thinks our national motto is "fashion alone triumphs". you two could be very well matched. won four thousand rupees! one more question before the commercial break. what will our call centre assistant do next? religion! interesting. for sixteen thousand rupees, in depictions of the god ram, he is famously holding what in his right hand? is it a) a flower. b) a scimitar. c) a child or d) a bow and arrow? final answer? computer-ji, d lock kiya-jaye. jamal malik, you answered d? ram is depicted with a bow and arrow in his hand. and guess what? you've just won sixteen thousand rupees! well done, my friend. time for a commercial break- don't go away, now. got lucky, huh? i'd take the money. you'll never get the next one. hmm? sure. know where i live now, kid? pali hill. twelve bedrooms, a. c in every room, two kitchens, a gym and a screening room. steel balls is what it takes, my friend, steel balls. we're having fun here. they love it. where the hell do you get them from? stop wetting your pants. i'll be a good little boy with the next one. promise. meet me after the show. please. nita, i can explain. baby, it all happened before i met you. i swear to you. you see? amidst all this misery, only you can make me laugh. her and i- nothing. you have to believe me, baby. no. i'm not going on. i can't. without you, it's all pointless. you. tell the director. calypso bar, private room, just you and me? steel balls. okay, juhu boy, you've had a good run. take your mother to khandala and eat some chiki. well, your girlfriend then. even better. live wire like you? you surprise me. welcome back to who wants to be a millionaire! our contestant, jamal malik, call centre assistant- from mumbai, is on sixteen thousand rupees and has already used one lifeline: ask the audience. so, my friend: are you ready for the next question? then, let's play. for sixty-four thousand rupees. the british architect frederick stevens designed which famous building in india? is it: a) the taj mahal. b) chhatrapati shivaji terminus. c) india gate. d) howrah bridge. what do you think, jamal? are you one of those tea-boys with a penchant for architecture? so, what's it to be? walk away and this cheque for sixteen thousand rupees is yours. look, it's even got your name on it. nope. looks like the producer's stolen my wallet again- you'll play? well, well, well. we've got a wild one, here. for sixty-four thousand rupees, ladies and gentlemen, the question once again. is the right answer! sixty-four thousand rupees to you, sir! now we're into the serious money. for two hundred and fifty thousand rupees, ladies and gentlemen, a quarter of a million rupees. the song chalo ri murali was written by which famous indian poet. was it a) surdas. b) tulsidas. c) mira bai. d) kabir. remember you still have two lifelines- fifty- fifty and phone a friend. tempted to use one? no? oh. i see. an expert on the poets, huh? the question was, for two hundred and fifty thousand rupees: who wrote the famous song chalo ri murali. i should warn you, jamal: from this question on, if you get the answer wrong you lose everything. so. are you sure? the life-lines are there. surdas. apka final jawab? computer-ji, a lock kiya-jaye. guess what? you're right. so, my friend: ready for another question. for a straight one million rupees, ladies and gentlemen. on an american one hundred dollar bill there is a portrait of which american statesman? is it a), george washington, b) franklin roosevelt, c) benjamin franklin, d) abraham lincoln? pay or play, jamal? all you have to do is stop now and you walk away with a cool quarter of a million rupees. decide to play, get the answer wrong and you walk away with absolutely nothing. but, get the answer right and you win a million rupees. so. you decide. pay or play? get a lot of hundred dollar bills in your line of work, jamal? now i know why my cell phone bill is so high. they pay the chi-wallah in hundred dollar bills! woah! we haven't locked the computer, man. you're going to play? you certainly have. c. right? not confusing your franklins? benjamin for roosevelt? there's a million rupees at stake and he's never heard of roosevelt franklin. i can't bear to look. no, no. don't you worry, jamal. you were asked which statesman is depicted on a hundred dollar bill. you said c. benjamin franklin. ladies and gentlemen. jamal malik- you chose to play not pay. i'm afraid you no longer have two hundred and fifty thousand rupees. you in fact have one million rupees! for two and a half million rupees. ladies and gentlemen. cambridge circus is in which uk city. is it a) oxford, b) leeds, c) cambridge, d) london. he's smiling. why does that worry me? if you want a chance to be a contestant on who wants to be a millionaire, dial the number now. ever been to cambridge? ever been to the circus? can someone call me an ambulance? you can't remember. does that mean you did know? once? based on your extensive travelling, right? i thought you hadn't been to uk. - what might it be then, jamal? cambridge circus is not in cambridge? dare i ask why? that's the logic that's got him this far, ladies and gentlemen. who are we to argue? so. jamal. d. apka final jawab? computer-ji, d lock kiya-jaye. it's been a rollercoaster ride all the way, a pleasure to have you on the show, my friend, but i'm sorry to say that you're. incredibly, absolutely right! ladies and gentlemen, jamal malik, the man with two and a half million rupees! a few hours ago, you were fetching tea for the phone- wallahs. now you are richer than they ever will ever be. what a player, ladies and gentleman! what a player. for five million rupees, my friend: who invented the revolver? was it a) samuel colt, b) bruce browning, c dan wesson or d) james revolver? a). samuel colt. are you sure? final answer? you had two and a half million rupees. if i may-? ladies and gentlemen, the chi- wallah has done it again! d. is right! incredible! getting hot in here, isn't it? what? am i nervous? you're the one who's in the hot seat, my friend. what sports do you play? none. oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear. not to worry, there's only ten million rupees at stake. which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history. was it a) sachin tendulkar, b) ricky ponting, c) michael slater, d) jack hobbs. you've got a cheque for five million rupees in your hands. you've still got two life-lines, phone a friend and 50. 50. for ten million rupees: pay, play, or bail out. it's still an option. remember, if you get the answer wrong, you will lose everything like that. are you sure you want to do this? the dreams of so many. on the floor. time for a commercial break, ladies and gentlemen. i know, i know, i can't stand the tension either. don't even think about leaving your seat. we'll be back. you've got the luck of the devil, yaar, i'll give you that. oh, the toilet. sure. naveed, jamal wants the bog. a guy from the slums becomes a millionaire overnight. you know the only other person who's done that? me. i know what it's like. i know what you've been through. you've said that before, yaar. what? you can't take the money and run now. you're on the edge of history, kid! maybe it is written, my friend. you're going to win this. trust me, you're going to win. do the right thing and in approximately three minutes you will be as famous as me. and as rich as me. almost. from rags to raja. it's your destiny. welcome back to who wants to be a millionaire? in the chair tonight is jamal malik- as if we don't know! in an amazing run, jamal has already five million rupees but, not content with that, has chosen to gamble for one crore- that's ten million million rupees. what a player! the question one more time: which cricketer has scored the most first class centuries in history. was it a) sachin tendulkar, b) ricky ponting, c) michael slater, d) jack hobbs. that's a start. so, it could be ricky ponting, jack hobbs or michael slater. okay. computer, take away two wrong answers. well, you were right about sachin tendulkar. the computer has taken away a) sachin tendulkar and c) michael slater. that leaves you a fifty-fifty choice, jamal. b) ricky ponting or d) jack hobbs. what do you think? decision time. for half a million rupees. your answer: b) ricky ponting or d) jack hobbs. you sure? not b) ricky ponting? the australian? great cricketer. do you know? so it could be b, ricky ponting? final answer? computer-ji d lock kiya-jaye. with one hundred and ninety- seven first class centuries, the answer is. d. jack hobbs! jamal malik, crorepati! i cannot believe what i am seeing here, tonight, ladies and gentlemen. so, are you ready for the final question for two crore rupees- twenty million rupees? maybe, indeed. okay, okay. for twenty million rupees, the final question on who wants to be a millionaire? ohhhhh! just when i thought i would need a pacemaker fitted, we're out of time! what a show, ladies and gentlemen, what a show. join us tomorrow night to see if jamal malik has made the biggest mistake of his life or has just won the biggest prize in the history of indian television. same place, same time. you wouldn't dare miss it. goodnight! this way, jamal, this way. great show, my friend. see you tomorrow, huh? he's a cheat. oh, come on! of course he is. he's a bloody village boy. even when i fed him the wrong answer the little shit got it right. well, i didn't exactly- nita? hey. sweetheart. what about me? i'm sweating, here. so. tonight. the calypso bar. but i am the only man in the world. welcome back to who wants to be a millionaire? i can safely say that tonight is the biggest night of both of our lives, ladies and gentlemen. jamal malik, the call centre worker from mumbai has already won one crore rupees, a cool ten million. tonight, he can walk away with that in his pocket or make the biggest gamble in television history and go for the final question and a staggering twenty million rupees! jamal, are you ready for that question? big reader, are you jamal? a lover of literature? lucky! in alexandre dumas' book, the three musketeers, two of the musketeers are called athos and porthos. what was the name of the third musketeer. was it a) aramis, b) cardinal richelieu, c) d'artagnan, d) planchet. the final question, for twenty million rupees: and he's smiling. i guess you know the answer. you don't? so, you're going to take the ten million and walk? no? you just said you don't know the answer. i heard that, right? you do understand that if you get the answer wrong, you lose everything? ten million rupees. a fortune, jamal. we're going to the wire, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to the wire. the final life-line. here we go. it's ringing. doesn't look as if your friend is in, jamal. who is it? - the sort of brother who'd go for a walk on the twenty million rupee question? you're on your own, jamal. wow! that's cutting it fine. i'm guessing this isn't your brother. this is- okay! so, latika, you want to hear the question one more time? and let's be clear about this. twenty million rupees ride on your answer. you have thirty seconds. jamal, please read out the question to latika. the question, jamal. fifteen seconds. ten seconds. so, latika, what do you think? five, four, three, two, one. time's up! your answer. oh. you really are on your own, now, jamal. your answer: for twenty million rupees. a. because? apka final jawab? computer-ji a lock kiya-jaye. jamal malik, call centre assistant from mumbai, for two crore, twenty million rupees, you were asked who the third musketeer was in the novel by alexandre dumas. you used your final life-line to phone a friend. you answered a. aramis. which is. i have to tell you. the correct answer! ladies and gentlemen, jamal malik, crorepati! what a night! we have all been present at the making of history, ladies and gentlemen! jamal malik, millionaire! finally, huh?