jamal! catch it! catch it! how could you drop that? it was a sitter. vinod! musketeers coming through! i know! immediately, sir. bhai, get out of there. prakash wants a shit. since there was a customer waiting, that's when. you just lost me good money, you stupid idiot- krishna, quick! - i saw him. he was with them. - he was with them! - shut up, jamal, can't you? just shut up! ja! go away. ja, ja! she'll have the security guard onto us, standing there. no. i am the head of this family, now. and i say no. piss off, you. we don't even know what the third musketeer's called. useless bloody look-out. what good is she, huh? a saint. okay, let's go, let's go! it's not a bloody holiday! give me that. what, chot bhai? you got a problem? here. for you. you'll earn double. i'm doing you a favour, latika. chup, jamal. i'll drop it. triple if it's crying. madher chod! you're dead, sala. what? yes, maman. athos. when i say. go! he'll kill us if we go back. jamal! he was going to take your eyes out- with a bloody spoon! she'll be alright. she always is. ar, jamal. come. first class, bhai. where else? you're not dead, jamal. wow. ar, sala! formula one, formula one! pit-stop ka speed, schumacher ka ishtyle go, go! woah! what are you- jamal? go? go where? don't be stupid. we're making good money here. oh, god. baby brother's in love. with a flat-chested hijra. a musketeer. grow up, jamal. look, how was i to know they'd beat you up. here, you can have some of the cash. come on. how much? wait! jamal! ah, shit! for god's sake. you got some disease? you force me back to this shit-hole, we leave our friends, a good life, loads of money- for this. isn't that enough? no, you did, jamal, not me. me, i don't give a shit about her. plenty of pussy in bombay for salim. oh, yes, sir! you should come down the cages on saturday night instead of searching for your lost love. "i'm going to chowpatti". there are nineteen million people in this city, jamal. forget her. she's history. i'm looking for cherry. i'm latika's brother. is it her or not? shit, she's sexy, man. no. leave him. get over there. money. maman never forgets. isn't that right? can't take that risk, maman. sorry. safety catch. come on. we should be celebrating. he was going to kill us. bought it. now, i'm going to have to throw this beauty in the sea. what? typical. i save your life and you're on at me. all you ever do is mess us up. whenever you're around- why can't you just be happy, huh? you got what you wanted, didn't you? so, let's celebrate. reception! have the bags brought up. naan, chutney, dal- i'm looking for javed-bhai. i need to see him. i killed maman. i'll kill you too. easy. hey. come. i am the elder. and i am the boss. for once, you do as i say. i saved your bloody life, didn't i? - chup, sali. i am number one now! get yourself a room, bhai. the man with the colt 45 says chup. now go. or gunmaster g-9 will shoot you right between the eyes. boom. don't think he won't. you have five seconds. one, two, three, four- jamal! god is good, bhai. god is good. maman's boys were after us. had to skip. left a message at reception. waited weeks for you in nagpur. bhai, i left a message. i know. can you believe it? this was our slum. we lived just there, huh? now it is business, apartments, call centres. fuck usa, fuck china. india is at the centre of the world, now, bhai. and i am at the centre of the centre, jamal. this is all javed-bhai's. who else would protect us from maman's gang, huh? anything he asks. he is coming. you must go. my card. you think i am going to let you out of my sight again, little brother? you stay with me now. ab phut! still? she's gone, jamal. long gone. now go. quick. look at it, bhai, look at it! a khuda mujh baksh d main bahut gunaah kiy hain. why can't you let it alone? you want money, i'll give you money. girls? i can get you girls. you're like some crazy man- you're obsessed. know what your destiny is, crazy boy? a bullet between the eyes. and after that, he'll kill her. is that what you want? huh? yes. about that, you are right. i didn't sell her. javed wanted her. he gets what he wants. she's doing alright. get it into your thick head, jamal. she's not yours and she never will be. where you'll never find her. or me. you could have joined us, you bloody idiot, been one of us. you've lost everything now. everything. we're out. i'll just get- syed. final answer? that boy. he will never give up. never. crazy chutiy. ja. go. - just drive. there won't be another chance. go. it is not written. you have to. it'll take you two hours if you drive fast. here. for god's sake, hold on to it. for what i have done, please forgive me. go. have a good life. god is good. 110: chi, you lazy chutiy, chi! ah, inspector! cracked it?