we're conducting a series of impromptu inspections for the nevada gaming commission. i'd like to speak with your head of security. can i speak to you privately? it's gotta be tough keeping an eye on everything. so, bill, if i understand this right, you currently have your penthouse floor under construction? but with these down, doesn't that pose a major security concern if, as you say, you have to keep an eye on everything at all times? --so you shut them off? what kind of personnel? you have a butler working that floor? so there are no guests staying on that floor? c'mon bill. you've got some sultan up there, one of your whales, big- spender, likes a lot of space, you cook up this "construction" thing? is your security team armed? and who has access to that floor? bill, listen, i can ask you now and you can answer me, or i can drag you up to san francisco and depose you in front of a federal judge. because that's where we're headed here. of course, but if you could just tell me who has access to that floor-- yes it is and right now it's filling your lungs. in less than a minute, you'll asphyxiate and pass out. you shouldn't be feeling any pain now. close your eyes. think of something wonderful. don't make this face the last thing you ever see. heaven may hold it against you. bill-- willliam. we're all dying. 16: