made him a friend of the family. right there? in the high-roller suite? yes sir. go ahead. we're three miles from the nomad now. we'll be awaiting word. only the mention made in that phone call. there's no swedish hitman of any renown, much less one with a million dollar day rate. maybe. and a very bad gamble. he's awake. spotter on the lake confirmed israel. penthouse level. there was apparently a fisticuffs with some prostitutes. he wasn't involved. he's also had his people phone a local madame for another group of girls. welcome to the new bureau. nobody shares information anymore, it's become synonymous with job security. he's stayed below the radar. you don't kill a hundred and thirty people without knowing how to tip-toe. heller was buried in agency lore, anytime an operative failed or was perceived to have failed, hoover blackballed their memory. look at ness. it's almost five a.m. in d.c. now. locke said the lawyers from justice had been in there since three o'clock yesterday afternoon. israel's manager is acting as his attorney and that's what's holding things up. no. and i want to be in that room a half second after mecklen calls to say the deal's done. we've got a sheriff's task force on stand-by. tampering with a witness extraction of this magnitude makes everyone indictable at the federal level. trust me, we won't any problems with the hotel staff. you show 'em your id with the letters "f.b.i." in all caps and it's instant compliance. i've seen in happen a hundred times. israel just rolled. all of 'em. his entire entourage. i think we should move. that's happening in about ten minutes. israel's at optimum risk of flight right now, so we can't wait. have them mobilized. i'll phone security and have the elevators locked down and stairwells secured. we need to keep israel sequestered in that penthouse. get a coroner's estimate too. --miss, i've been transferred and i was disconnected. no one is answering and i need someone from security to pick up that line. it's urgent. was there anything recovered? maroon uniforms? no. i'm going over there. you take the car from there, get out to the lake. yeah. what i've been saying. get me your head of security right now. --i know that. which floor are they on? excuse me, sir. special agent donald carruthers. we've got a situation developing here in your hotel. i need to get to your penthouse level immediately, i also need every other elevator with access to that floor evacuated and locked down. let's hope not. can't you use the line in here to contact your people. can't maintenance do that? shut the elevators down. how long have you worked here? bill. mortal. yeah. --heller was buried in agency lore-