shoot, i appreciate that man. you woulda? damn. alright then. really? man, that's great. you think so? damn jack. you was after the same sacka shit as us. small world. i appreciate that pard. i wish i coulda been a better friend. alright enough grabassin' goddamit! we need t'get over t'that hotel. bet'chu are. les' get at it then. no, i'm confiscating it. that's right. and i'd advise y'ta lower your weapon sir. ww. uh. no, i ain't even heard abou-- yeah, shit-- hell, you're right. i'm sorry. i did. we-- yeah, i know. pretty much, yep. mmm-hmm. yeah, m'brothers. they didn't make it. thass' right. i got other brother's though, so it ain't so bad. i was. it is. that who you was here for? israel? well. we both got beat out then, didn't we? s'fair. lemme just grab somethin'. no, no, no, i'm done with all that. probably needs to be tuned. air filter's old. plugs might be bad. heater and ac ain't worked in forever. there's some good drugs in the glove box there, homespun, keep you smiling, semi-lucid at leas'. well, god's speed t'ya then. sorry 'bout all that. s'way a'the world though, winners and losers y'know. s'way it's always goin' be.