i got his machine. i said i got his machine. i left him a message. okay. i said that we were returning his call and you were real concerned, because he sounded real concerned. about what? i dunno. cinnamon roll? i could have it sent out. do you want me to say i did it? do you want me to say i'm sorry? i'm sorry. i am. yeah. i-- uh, yeah, i guess, yeah. hey-- it's him, it's gill. answer your fucking pages! i've been calling for fifteen minutes, we need you up here to clean now! doc, i'm gonna tell 'em we're on our way up, make sure it's cool up there. is there anything you need? c'mon, somebody answer. shit. answer the fucking phone. whoa, hey-- hey-- hold-up, hold-up, i got the doc, easy. what's going on? --beanie!? what? how did that happe-- ivy!? vitoli? what are you doing?